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Search results

  1. Villy Trebuchet

    Dannichu and Espeon's London adventure

    Hehe, that was quite a funny moment. 'NOES!!! WHERE IS IT?!??!' 'These noodles are really quite tasty.' '...' =3 We must meet up again in May. Was the Megabus really that cheap? Gah, and I spent all that money on travelcards. >__<
  2. Villy Trebuchet

    Dannichu and Espeon's London adventure

    *is Espeon's friend* *is active for the first time in weeks* Canadian Train Guy was epic! Unlike my Rubik's cube solving - completely failed to get close to my record. And the rain sucked, as well. I am now obsessed with the Togepi plushie. <3 I think he (?) got an awful lot of attention on...
  3. Villy Trebuchet

    Hi there!

    A living hell, huh? *laughs* Just try it, Espeon. You'll regret it. }:) I'm kidding around as well, of course. *returns pat* Thanks for all the welcome guys!
  4. Villy Trebuchet

    Hi there!

    I'm Villy, and I've been on a couple o' Pokemon forums before. ^___^ Some of you may know me, even. *thinks what to write* ... Ah, yes! I'm not really battling at the moment, 'cause for some reason I restarted my Pearl a while ago. Might go competitive again in the future, but if AA: Trials...
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