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Search results

  1. D

    I view Jirachi and Deoxys as a legendary duo

    Even worse, I used to think Articuno-Zapdos-Moltres was an evolutionary chain when I was little. ._. In hindsight, I have no idea how I could ever think that, as they're not the same type and all about as big...
  2. D

    Any Pokémon Dreams?

    Re: Any Pokémon Dreams? I never actually dreamt of Pokemon. However, I did once wake up in the middle of the night. It was 4.16 AM, and the first thing I thought was 'hey, 416, that's Skarmory's max Defense'. Then I quickly fell back asleep. It probably had something to do with the fact I...
  3. D

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    None, unfortunately. =( I really suck at chaining and never reached the benchmark of 40... and can't really be bothered to learn it to be quite honest. Also, I got unlucky with the only random shiny I ever encountered - Venomoth in the LG safari zone. Obviously, it fled.
  4. D

    Good evening.

    Hi. My name's Thomas, but on the Internet I'm better known as Deskon Thyechio Aoreste, DecoAoreste or just Deco. Although my pseudonym is derived from Greek, it doesn't actually mean anything - it's mostly composed of corruptions. Anyways, I'm 17 years old, live in The Netherlands and love to...
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