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Search results

  1. windskull

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Nip waited for the treeko to finish (and she made good points he had to admit) before saying his piece. "I'm sorry, but I cannot abide by any plan that puts her in danger of capture. I am fine with keeping her away from this... Gala." He said the word slowly, unfamiliar to his tongue. "I can...
  2. windskull

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    "Doubtful," Nip replied. He stuffed another sausage in his mouth, chewing slowly to give himself time to think. To let him keep his tone in check. "If he wants them dead he'll find another way, or else make them 'disappear.'" He sprang back a step, fur bristling when the zorua put up an...
  3. windskull

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    As the oshawott and zorua explained the situation, Nip narrowed his eyes dread forming a cold pit in his stomach. These were criminals. Supposedly. He shouldn't feel anything for them. And yet... Images of a mawile flashed in his mind. He didn't realize he was baring his fangs. "Death? No, not...
  4. windskull

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Nip padded down for food, mouth stretched wide in a yawn. After so many nights struggling to sleep well, he'd caved and taken an afternoon nap. Now he was in the process of piling a plate high with nothing but meat when the gathering group caught his eye. He popped a sausage in his mouth, then...
  5. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    "I suppose it's the same for me," Nip admitted. There was still so many strange things about this world -not to mention himself. At times it felt easier to let himself believe what he was used to, rather than understand his current situation. Even if it wasn't a good idea to do so. He dipped...
  6. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    "I can read just fine, thank you. I've already spent some time in the library." Nip hadn't meant to sound so short. The comment wasn't likely meant as an insult, but paired with the previous statement of home, it set him on edge. Taking a deep breath, he forced a more cordial tone. "I...
  7. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Nip felt the fur on the back of his neck prickle. That... That was blasphemous! The idea that they'd be better off without gods to guide them... But then he remembered Celebi, and the worries the nonsensical little god instilled in him. The gods were real, but were they really guiding them? Or...
  8. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Nip couldn't help but squint, bringing a paw to his chin as he tried to figure out if Nova was joking or not. It certainly didn't seem like it, even if his words sounded fake. The idea that the universe just suddenly became something one day made no logical sense? Unless... That's something that...
  9. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    "No..." The sneasel tilted his head. "But... How does that work! Even if your world doesn't need God's to maintain it, surely there must have been a divine being that created it?"
  10. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Now it was Nip's turn to stare blankly. "You... Don't know about Dialga and Palkia?" Perhaps he shouldn't be too surprised. Nobody in Theran Village knew about Yveltal when he first mentioned her. "They're the keepers of time and space. Gods. Embodiments. They make sure our world works and make...
  11. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Entropic? Nip did not know that word. He took a moment to try and work it out based on context, but gave up and instead focused on what he did understand. "Perhaps... I wonder how Mystery dungeons work here. In my world, they're believed to be placed where time and space became twisted and...
  12. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Nip glanced down at his paws. Though he was fairly dexterous, there was no denying that his claws got in the way at times. And he could only imagine how much harder most quadrupeds had it. "I suppose you have a point there," he reluctantly agreed. "That's something they have going for them, at...
  13. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    "Now that, I can believe," Nip replied, expression turning dark. "Though I doubt it is limited to just humans, if my experiences are anything to go off of."
  14. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    He considered the answer for a moment. "I could believe that. From what little I've heard, they're nothing special. And yet they seemed to be treated as so important. N-not to discredit any among our group. It just... They don't make sense to me."
  15. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Dangerous ambition? ...Okay, yeah. He could believe that. Not that Nova specifically was dangerous, but the idea that he could be the product of someone trying to pretend to be a god. "...What do you know of humans? My world does not have them, so most of what I know has been gathered here."...
  16. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    The first possibilty was hard for Nip to wrap his head around. The idea that someone could create life from a bunch of body parts... Only a god could do something like that. But from what he'd read, there was certainly belief in God's here, so it wasn't impossible... The other idea, however...
  17. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Mon like him don't exist naturally? That did explain why he hadn't seen anyone like him before. But at the same time. "How so?" He pressed. "What concerns you?" Should he be worried? Now his mind was more on the situation, instead of his concerns over what Nova might be.
  18. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    "I don't know about that," Nip replied, flicking his ear. He scraped his claws together, yawning, before adding. "I'm Nip."
  19. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    The product of a mystery dungeon? He'd never heard of dungeons that could do... That. But different worlds could have different rules. So he wrote that off. On the subject of a cover story, he mumbled, "Maybe I could make up a story about growing up outside of towns..." It wasn't too far from...
  20. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Nip's fur puffed up the moment Nova spoke. "Ah! S-sorry. Sorry." He didn't move. He couldn't move. Why couldn't he move? Come on, where was his sense of self-preservation? Squeezing his eyes shut, the sneasel took a deep breath. Maybe this one wasn't like those other Pokemon. Logic dictated he...
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