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Search results

  1. windskull

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site
    Threadmarks: Ch01 - That strange creature... (Nip and nova)

    Nip couldn't help but find Frontier Town strange. If Theran Village back on his home world had seemed alien, this was even more so, with larger groups of pokemon and quality of life advancements beyond what he'd seen. Devices that could create a painting in short order... Devices that could...
  2. windskull

    Offscreen Activities

    The night after the second dream, Nip does not sleep well. Despite knowing it likely has something to do with their arrival, he is clearly unnerved. But he is not willing to divulge why to anyone at this time, if they ask. A few days later, he discovers that he still has some control over his...
  3. windskull

    Offscreen Activities

    Upon arrival in Frontier Town Nip goes out of his way to keep out of the public eye, at least until he has a better understanding of how to fit in. The last thing he wants is a repeat of Theran Village. Once he's a bit more comfortable, he starts trying to take up odd jobs at the bulletin...
  4. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Nip couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the compliment. Sheepishly, he scratched behind his ear. "Well, I sort of had to be to get by, you know? But thanks. You did pretty good for your first time." That said, he returned his gaze to the horizon, and the distant shape of buildings in the...
  5. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    While Koa did his best to fish, Nip sat back in the shore, slicing his meal apart to eat the fish in pieces. It tasted similar to aquatic pokemon he'd eaten before, but there was something a bit different about the flavor that he couldn't place. "Hm... Would have been better chilled." He was...
  6. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Huh, what a strange word. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that there are some similarities between our worlds. Pokemon exist in each, after all." As they reached the river, Nip padded up to the water's edge. "I'll show you the way I was taught, though you may have to adjust to find a...
  7. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Fun? Nip couldn't help but fully pause for a moment, slowing to a stop. When was the last time he'd had fun? It had to be many seasons ago. Before running away. Before Umbra. He started walking again, trying to come up with a suitable answer. "Play battling is common among the young," he...
  8. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    "I have a vague idea of what they look like," he replied, "though I've never seen one myself." He lapsed into silence, thinking more on the description. It sounded like humans were very lucky that they got along with pokemon, because they'd need the protection from bigger predators in such a...
  9. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    "Poison, huh?" Nip looked back to his claws. "I suppose that explains the purple. I've never met a Sneasel like this, but that doesn't mean they don't exist where I'm from." He considered for a moment before adding, "My world isn't too different from this one, at a glance. We have mystery...
  10. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Though Nip would have been fine with a quiet walk, he was also opened to idle chatter. He turned his head towards Koa, his ear flicking at the question, then looked back towards the river. "Human..." The word felt weird on his tongue, foreign and unfamiliar. He thought back to his brief time in...
  11. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Hm... In his world, all Mon thought. It was just the nature of having to hunt to live. It sounded like he would have to be more careful here. But the way Alejandro spoke, it sounded like the ideal options were fishing, or foraging for medicinal berries to tide himself over. "Understood, thank...
  12. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Nip dipped his head respectfully. "You have been very kind to us, thank you." He paused, glancing at Koa. If he wasn't mistaken, electrike were obligated carnivores, just like Sneasel. If they needed to find food along the way, he'd either have to hunt, or forage for some sort of edible plant...
  13. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    "No problem." Nip accepted the bandanna, not the least bit bothered that it was slightly damp where Koa had held it in his jaws. "Around the neck, I assume?"
  14. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Nip rustled through the fabric squares - scarves, if he remembered the term correctly. Yes, this would do for now. Taking a simple, bright red one for himself, he rolled it up into a thick band, tying it into a loop before slipping it onto his left arm and tightening it. Simple, efficient, and...
  15. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Nip followed the galvantula's movements, taking in his accessories with a contemplative blink. "I believe I understand what you mean. We didn't use... clothing where I'm from, but we commonly dyed our fur with different patterns to identify each other." And their tribal alignment, but he had the...
  16. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    "Nip," Nip replied. "Well met. I'm afraid we're a bit disoriented at the moment. We got separated from our group."
  17. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Nip's ear twitched. He should have known others would react like that. It was a lousy idea, anyways. Stealing had gotten him in enough trouble as it was. He moved to follow Koa out and opened his mouth to say something, only to freeze mid step at galvantula jumpscare. Slowly, he inched forward...
  18. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Nip dipped his head respectfully towards Koa. "Greetings, Koamaru. My name is Nip." Then he turned his attention back towards the stairs. "If you didn't smell anything then I don't see much point. Unless you want to scrounge for supplies here." He winced, uncertain how the electrike would...
  19. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    He stared off at the distant town for a moment, trying to determine how long it would take to get there. Maybe if they followed the river a ways, they'd be alright...? He wasn't the best fisher, but maybe he could catch something. Right about then, though, a flash of movement caught his...
  20. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Upon agreement from the electrike, Nip began his ascent, claws digging into the rough wood as he scrambled higher and higher. He carefully balanced himself on his tip-toes as he reached the top, squinting and straining in hopes of finding any sign of the others.
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