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Search results

  1. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    "Even if we got separated, they shouldn't be too far away," Nip agreed. But as he looked at the cabin, he hesitated. Looks could be deceiving. And for all he knew, there could still be someone inside. "Maybe..." He sniffed at the air again, hoping to pick out any fresh scents. Then he crept...
  2. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Someone else was here. Nip's ear twitched, then he turned to face the voice. The other Pokemon appeared to be some form of electrike. Nip thought he remembered seeing him in that strange spiritual place. Giving himself a full body shake, he replied, "Yes, I was there. But I haven't the...
  3. windskull

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin
    Threadmarks: Ch01: A Familiar Isolation

    Nip let out a loud yip as he hit the ground, the breath driven out of him as he tumbled to a stop. He lay there for a moment, dazed, before pushing himself to his feet, ignoring his body's aching protests. As he started to take in his surroundings (an overgrown path, an old rundown building...
  4. windskull

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    From a patch of rustling bushes, a Sneasel emerged, crouching low as he crept across open air to the field ahead. Anxiety made the fur a long his spine prickle as worries raced through his mind. These were strangers; they could mean him harm. This space was too exposed. Wherever this was, he...
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