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Search results

  1. ShadowVulpi

    Offscreen Activities

    Lavender notices the Wanted Posters of the Las Picaras Band, the Sonora one, and the Wolf one. He begins asking around town for more information about all of them (mainly what their crimes were and where they were last seen), but is especially interested in the Sonora one. He remembers that name...
  2. ShadowVulpi

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Then you can be the first," he answered as simply as before. She might have sensed something in him when she gave her farewell. Something that was faint, as though being drowned by a forceful hand. Anger? Sadness? Both? But his face was indifferent and gave no indication of any of this...
  3. ShadowVulpi

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Sometimes," Lavender answered with a shrug. "From what I've gathered, many of us are used to living with danger around us, so it can be considered a familiarity." He looked toward the door again. He needed to go soon. The best jobs would be taken if he didn't make haste. "You should train...
  4. ShadowVulpi

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Oh, you're an empath. I had forgotten that was something Shuppet were known for. I'm too used to certain other Psychics being attuned to other's emotions," Lavender said as he watched her movements. "Well though I've only met you, I'm pleased to know that you're a helpful Ghost and not one that...
  5. ShadowVulpi

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Gla- Eevee. Eevee Lavender," he answered back as he looked her up and down. "Sinnoh is where you're from? I believe I've heard of a land by that name in books I read. Human and Pokemon populated land, I read if I recall correctly. Were you one of the trainer-less Pokemon, or did you spend your...
  6. ShadowVulpi

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    Lavender wanted to pretend that the cheery Shuppet wasn't talking to him. There were probably a dozen newcomers in the Haus right that moment, but unfortunately he was well aware he was the one she had her sights set upon. Part of him was tempted to keep walking. Her loudness reminded him of...
  7. ShadowVulpi

    Offscreen Activities

    Upon settling in Frontier Town, Lavender immediately takes up borderline any job on the bulletin board, but avoids anything resembling apprehending criminals. When not doing these jobs, he can be seen spending a great amount of time researching the different types of evolutions for Eevee...
  8. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    It seemed everyone was mad at Lavender, and in some ways he didn't blame them. He did want to tell Tarahn there probably were no trainers and to really make the reality of their situation known, but he stopped himself. He stopped himself from doing a lot of things, because he needed unity and...
  9. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    "You call it entitlement, I call it taking charge and making sure nothing happens to us," Lavender huffed, not flinching even when the water blade was pointed at him. "We're rather lucky we didn't have anything happen besides being abandoned not far from civilization. Do you still feel putting...
  10. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Lavender shot Aige a brief look that suggested if she wasn't made of rock, he might have taken a bite out of her.
  11. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Lavender woke up from his pollen-induced slumber the next morning to thankfully find none of them had been kidnapped or had their goods taken (though they had never had any to begin with, to be fair). Fire burned in his cheeks as he made his way off his perch and drew closer to the group. A...
  12. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Lavender looked to the Sneasel and the Buizel with a blank stare, then stood up. It was slightly difficult to tell with how the poncho borderline covered the entirety of his legs. "Sleep then. I'll keep watch if it's such a short amount of time. I won't be able to sleep." Then he started...
  13. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Lavender frowned. "You make it sound as though it's guaranteed Sonora won't have issues with us ," he said flatly. "Quite the confidence you have."
  14. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Lavender carefully took one of the sacks and spread it out over the sand nearby Rodion, gently stamping it down with his paws before lying down on it. He curled up into a small ball and shifted his poncho so that it served as a makeshift blanket. He hadn't been to many deserts back home (the dry...
  15. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Lavender looked over each of the clothing articles, silently debating his options. Truthfully he didn't like wearing clothing too much, but it seemed that was the norm in this world. Not only that, but the ponchos could be useful for keeping warm since he had a feeling it was going to get very...
  16. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    "Whi- Lavender. I'm Lavender," the Eevee said, standing up just a little bit straighter as he spoke. "What would you have us do? Reset the trap we set off perhaps? Serve as lookout?" He eyed Rodion and his casualness to the situation. Too casual, like he belonged here. Lavender made a note to...
  17. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    "You call us lawmon, and I'd have to say that would be rather bold of us to approach your group without gear and as decidedly feeble Pokemon, none of which have evolved even once," Lavender stated flatly to Rillo. "Your paranoia is unnecessary." He gestured to each of his compatriots, as if to...
  18. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Lavender couldn't help but give the Buizel and Cyndaquil a short glance when they had become so casual and used very particular wording around these admittedly intimidating strangers (not helped that Lavender didn't even know what the Scovillain was. Was that supposed to be a Pokemon?). Either...
  19. ShadowVulpi

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Lavender picked himself off the ground and dusted himself off with a full body shake. Still an Eevee, still had that fur that was too bushy for his liking. He looked at the ones with him and remembered that he didn't think much of any of them when everyone was together. Except the Sneasel. He...
  20. ShadowVulpi

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    Lavender resisted the urge to sigh. He had been tempted to ask if any of them could go home when he heard their memories would be wiped clean upon leaving the planet, and now he had his answer thanks to a rather loud and excitable Rockruff. He reminded Lavender of a feral dog. At least dying...
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