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Search results

  1. Guzma

    I already told you numbskulls who i am! It's your boy, Guzma. Jeesh, how thick can you kids get?

    I already told you numbskulls who i am! It's your boy, Guzma. Jeesh, how thick can you kids get?
  2. Guzma

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

  3. Guzma

    It's your boy

    It's your boy
  4. Guzma

    Bro snap all of the pokemon. every one of them.

    Bro snap all of the pokemon. every one of them.
  5. Guzma

    Greetings, cowering public!

    Are you sayin' i speak like THAT?
  6. Guzma

    Greetings, cowering public!

    Tea? Cod? I am, of course, notorious for hating dumb traditions such as these ones. But who could say no to the signature dish of the cave of dragonflies? Not even your boy can resist the sweet smell of day-old cod.
  7. Guzma

    Yo even necrozma can be adorable while it destroys stuff

    Yo even necrozma can be adorable while it destroys stuff
  8. Guzma

    Greetings, cowering public!

    The hated boss who beats you down, and beats you down, and never lets up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here! Greetings, cowering public! Wanna see what destruction looks like? Here it is in human form—it's your boy Guzma! I'm the Team Skull boss, and I've never been scared of nothing or nobody...
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