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Search results

  1. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Aige listened quietly, not sure what to say. When Zapdos spoke of the weak and their expectations, she looked at the ground for a moment, muttering something. "There's not really a concept to worry about if he just puts his words into action," Aige said, replying to Steven. "It just is- right...
  2. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    The longer the battle went, the more Aige felt that *everyone* was just wasting their time. What would beating Zapdos on his own terms prove? Listening to her teammates, Aige called out to Leaf in between flurries of attacks and dodges. "If you want to fight, then just fight him and be done...
  3. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Aige seemed to barely turn to acknowledge Steven. "Right. Understood." She moved herself into position, ready to intercept as much as her tiny frame could manage. Something about it was almost funny, but she didn't bother thinking about it.
  4. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    "Real strength?" "Real strength?" Aige muttered to herself, not really looking at the Zapdos so much as she was staring through him. "Real strength isn't proven- it just is," she said to no one in particular. As the others prepared for battle, the Roggenrola shuffled off to the side, seeming...
  5. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "Haah, always something to surprise us," Aige said, "We could always lure them away somewhere- considering the shadows specifically said they were instructed to stay in place." She made a low noise. "The potential for collateral fallout is too high though." The Roggenrola glanced over at Grace...
  6. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Aige bowed slightly as Mhynt set her down. She was about to thank her, but stopped short as the others erupted in a flurry of activity. Heeding Bellatrix's order, Aige dashed towards the exit. It wasn't lost on her that she was the only one who needed help- directly marking her as the weak...
  7. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "Follow?" Aige watched as Bellatrix clambered upwards while the others started to follow. "Right then." She looked over at Grace. "Sorry to impose, do you have anything I can use to get up?" She looked around at the advancing shadows. "Let me know if it would be better to just use an orb...
  8. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Aige looked at Grace with a little wonder. "As good a sign as any to continue," she said in a low tone. She looked around behind the group, checking to see if any of the shadows had moved to corner them from behind. "Be prepared anyway, it could always be the quiet before the storm."
  9. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "All shadows aside, we technically are the aggressors here," Aige said, "They haven't said anything about explicitly stopping us from leaving either." He'll know we came either way. Maybe we can just ask them to look around. "I'm with Grace on this one." She looked at the shadows. "Can't say...
  10. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "Mm, unfortunate," Aige murmured, glancing around. "If we hang around and take some of these shadows out, maybe it'll make it easier on us in the long run." She hesitated. "That said, if Alexander isn't around right now, then that's enough actionable intelligence that id suggest we just...
  11. RJr3:2

    Offscreen Activities

    Aige learns explosion. As a form of stress relief. That's what she tells herself.
  12. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Aige looked up and down the creature. "This reminds me of those movies Xocri made me watch... disgusting," she said, watching carefully to see if the Floatzel made any sudden movements. She glanced at Grace. "Before anyone attacks or anything Grace, would you still like to try and help...
  13. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "Fair enough," Aige said, hiding a note of disappointment. "By your lead." "Although," Aige glanced at Bellatrix. Though she knew her name, Aige had never spoken to her personally. "As far as escape, aren't the escape orbs the reason we can be a little cavalier here- the point being that we...
  14. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "This is just a guess, but I don't think the black shapes she's talking about are someone," Aige interjected looking at Grace, "Rather, they're some 'thing'. Far be it from me to tell you what to do though, so I'd say go ahead if you're really inclined. If we find anyone though, say, Owen, it...
  15. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    It wasn't that long ago that Aige had trailed Alexander, and now she was back. She couldn't tell if it was out of curiosity or a sense of obligation. "A little bit different from last time," Aige muttered, glancing at the rest of the group. "Well, not like I can worry about what could have...
  16. RJr3:2

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Lycas? Some of the others have mentioned that name recently. "What difference does it make?" Aige muttered, "Everyone else can worry about the distinction." As Leona broke out of the cell, lunging towards those closest, the Roggenrola stared at the Lycanrock. She had told them they could take...
  17. RJr3:2

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    After waiting a few moments, Aige slipped into the room behind the others, listening quietly. She began to walk along the wall, looking for buttons, switches, keys, whatever there might be. As the Lycanroc spoke, the Roggenrola felt a small twinge. "You're alright because you can ask...
  18. RJr3:2

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Aige watched Silver and Kimiko start singing blankly, half listening to Steven's attempts to talk to Reno as well as Leaf's appeal to Mav. The battle was over already? To some extent, it was almost anticlimactic. No, this is about right, Aige thought. Since they're just experimenting on...
  19. RJr3:2

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    As the smoke filled the space, Aige took a mental note of where everyone was. Glancing over, she saw Steven near the cells- and as he unlocked one, she was fairly certain about what he was trying to do. "If it works, it works," she murmured to herself. "I'll see if I can help any." The...
  20. RJr3:2

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    "Stupid... right." Aige's tone was suddenly subdued. The Roggenrola looked at the shadowy guards disinterestedly. "I didn't get an answer for my question earlier. Guess we'll just throw them all in a jail and hope for the best." Or maybe I can take care of some of them myself later so it's...
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