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Search results

  1. RJr3:2

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Aige glanced at Leaf. "They'll be hurt either way unless we have a means of curing them without opening the cage. I'm simply suggesting that we reduce the amount of effort on our part," she said plainly, "I understand it's perhaps a tasteless suggestion, but I see it as a means of preserving our...
  2. RJr3:2

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Aige looked at some of the prisoners as she passed, feeling a mixture of pity and annoyance. Unfortunate... but not unfortunate enough. If only we could have left them be for a while longer. "I wonder if there's a emergency release," she said, "It might be useful to open them all at once. If...
  3. RJr3:2

    Blaguarro Town Abandoned District

    Aige had no words to describe radiance, so she didn't. Whatever it was, whatever it made her feel, it was irrelevant and could wait until later. Trailing near the end of the group, she was a little curious as to what they would find, but not much else. The Roggenrola found she had little...
  4. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Templefall Caverns Mystery Dungeon

    Aige hummed thoughtfully. "Well if it worked out, I suppose that means it agreed with us- at least since no one was singled out or anything." She felt a strange sort of cosmic vindication with the thought that the dungeon had found her 'ideal' to have some sort of merit. It was ridiculous to...
  5. RJr3:2

    Offscreen Activities

    Something inside Aige eventually kicks her into gear and she starts training by herself, wandering about the desert in hopes that a feral pokemon will attack her for practice- though she's aware that it will hardly prepare her for a more intelligent opponent. She often is caught up in her own...
  6. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Templefall Caverns Mystery Dungeon

    Aige took a piece of paper from Ralsen, feeling a little mystified. "I wonder what it counts as a truth?" The Roggenrola thought about it for a moment then started writing. 'All motives can be taken to extremes' Hopefully that counted as a truth. 'Extremes are needed to truly move forward'...
  7. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Templefall Caverns Mystery Dungeon

    "So then which one gets which?" Aige asked, still staring at the statue of Zekrom. "Assuming it's something like shadow and radiance," she added. "I can't say I'm interested in playing this place's game any longer than necessary," she said a little bitterly. "If you wanted a literal shadow...
  8. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Templefall Caverns Mystery Dungeon

    As Aige walked with the group, she stared at the amalgamation of pieces fit together like a painting. "If dungeons take bits and pieces of what they consume, I wonder if you could use it to your advantage," she wondered aloud. "Or if you changed the entire terrain surrounding the dungeon...
  9. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Templefall Caverns Mystery Dungeon

    "A civilization of the past," Aige murmured softly, "From what we've seen, sounds like a place I would fit in just fine." In her head though, she was thinking of the Golurk. Maybe someday that would be her, simply falling over sideways or crumbling into a pile of rocks in the middle of a...
  10. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Templefall Caverns Mystery Dungeon

    As the rope was passed to her, Aige halfheartedly wrapped it around the stubby rock on her head, tight enough that she could be pulled along, but not so much that she couldn't slip out with a bit of effort. It wasn't that she disagreed with Laura's entreaty to stick together, but the Roggenrola...
  11. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Templefall Caverns Mystery Dungeon

    "If the title is interesting, then take it- I guess." Aige hadn't talked much around the abbey, nor did she have much to say. From the other's encounters, it was the same thing- discipline, introspection, self-control. Though it wasn't for her, she couldn't begrudge the monks for it, right...
  12. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Swiftwater Library

    The pursuit of knowledge, or maybe enlightenment. For Aige, it was little more than an excruciating death march to madness. She would never say that though. She had little ground to stand on in terms of expecting the impossible, but still she found herself wondering about things she couldn't...
  13. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    Aige wasn't sure where she fit into the insistent refrain of fighting. She wasn't a big fighter, at least not in the sense that seemed to keep coming up - with lofty notions of honor and mutual respect between opponents. "I don't see myself challenging anyone," she said, her tone wavering a...
  14. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    Aige tried to match the names Laura had said with faces, happy to have something to go off of. "I have nothing to add," she added as everyone else spoke. "We are here for radiance and all that, but personally, I have my own questions." She hoped that her lack of a face wouldn't set her apart...
  15. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    "In name and spirit if not in appearance," Aige said quietly, taking in the view. "But who says an abbey has to be stuffy... it's not as if realizing my presumptions is something I need to be happy." It looked like matters of the soul were not immune from the trappings of modernization. For the...
  16. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    "How can we even prove that?" Aige mused, casting a lingering sidelong glance at Silver's offerings. No mouth. Not yet. I feel like I finally know the phrase 'won't miss it until it's gone', she thought. "I mean, I'm not a statistician or anything, but there's nothing we can really compare it...
  17. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    For a moment, Aige thought about trailing the Aggron to see if it would lead to the way forward. It would definitely work, they were just a wild pokemon, right? Just stick with everyone else, she mentally chided herself. You can make up for it later. "At least we're not in a big rush," she...
  18. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    Oh the world was such an easier place to live in when there was a clear and present danger. Aige could worry about all her questions later, sometime soon maybe, or whenever she got around to it. "Is our way blocked?" she asked quietly, "I hope not." She looked around to see if there was any...
  19. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    With few conventional ways to feel the change, Aige felt the changing gravity keenly, losing her focus as she stood still. Years of experience, almost a quarter century of ingrained response, and nothing to show for it. When you're attacked by an unknown assailant or believe such is the...
  20. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    "The name of a god, or at least a creed," Aige said, replying to Felin. "-at least based on what we're talking about!" "I suppose by service, it's kind of like a lecture or a gathering." The Roggenrola laughed. "Actually, I just had a thought, since some gods are less present in some worlds...
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