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Search results

  1. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Aige was glad that the Eevee had made the point that the group was in no way equipped to dispense justice, let alone fit the part. The Roggenrola was also glad that her unassuming stature in no way implicated that back where she came from, she was indeed a "lawmon" in some sense of the word. If...
  2. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    While Aige found herself in silent agreement with the others as they made their case, she couldn't shake a growing sense of unease over how eager some of them seemed to be to help out a group of bandits, judging by the Capsakid's actions and comments. It was frustrating that the best option...
  3. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Any responses Aige was thinking of faded away as the multitude of Pokémon appeared. Mentally making a note of how they addressed each other, the Roggenrola shot a glance at the Buizel as he addressed the group. “What he said is correct,” she added, trying to make herself smaller. “Though we...
  4. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    "I think our experiences are selfsame." A rock lying on the ground interjected. Aige had landed on her face, and as her legs flailed in the air, she realized that she was down to two stubby feet. The Roggenrola was silent for a moment before rolling over and righting herself with some effort...
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