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Search results

  1. ZimD

    Answer A Question With A Question

    Do you have any idea how ineffective that would be?
  2. ZimD

    Rate the Signature above you!

    7/10. Would be more amusing if I hadn't thought of Obamasnow before. Inoffensive otherwise which is a blessing on here.
  3. ZimD

    Rate the Signature above you!

    It's from the finale of the first season of Survivor. Closing argument in a speech that was one of the best moments in TV history <3 I'mma go 6.5/10 because I am not certain whether you wrote those or they are song lyrics but it is a neat little poem either way.
  4. ZimD

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV This season of Survivor is so good I don't even and the last two were so awful so this is great.
  5. ZimD

    Answer A Question With A Question

    Haven't we all?
  6. ZimD

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    A burn victim Pokemon would actually be a really sweet idea.
  7. ZimD

    Rate the Signature above you!

    Mine does make sense, actually. It's a reference to a TV show. I think that making a signature that takes up multiple pages and goes out of its way to talk about how ~LOLRANDOM~ it is is obnoxious and self-indulgent, so I'll rate it as such. And rating my signature based on whether you think...
  8. ZimD

    What are you watching?

    Survivor. The current season is great and so are the old ones.
  9. ZimD

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I have no idea what the fuck a Chandelure is but it looks pretty cool
  10. ZimD

    Rate the Signature above you!

    0/10. Obnoxiously taking up an entire page vertically, quotes that aren't funny, a MLP reference, the ~oh so hilarious~ references to.. the fact that Magikarp splashes? (I don't even get the intended humor behind that one), and worst of all the tags that show, in case it wasn't obvious, that...
  11. ZimD

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Re: (Ditto) Daily Pokemon Discussions Obviously Ditto is worthless at battles but he's a cute little dude and a unique gimmick Pokemon, plus great for breeding
  12. ZimD

    Answer A Question With A Question

    Why the hell are you so easily offended?
  13. ZimD

    Rate the Signature above you!

    0.3/10. I can't give it a zero because I am exclusively reserving that for references to My Little Pony, but.. seriously? Anything that starts out by pointing out "LOOK HOW RANDOM I AM, HA HA" with those overused and tags are lame. Arbitrary randomness does not equate to humor and it needs to...
  14. ZimD

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Hitmonlee is cool and fucking badass, and Eevee is adorable :3
  15. ZimD

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^ Is an Olympic gold medalist and going to win the hell out of this game
  16. ZimD

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV making serious progress on my ranking of all 176 jury speeches in survivor history.
  17. ZimD

    Rate the song above you

    I absolutely love that song in the movie, and the thing about that song is that it's such a lighthearted, free-spirited one about him finding this happy new world, so hearing this slower take on it just doesn't really fit with me. It just isn't a sound that I think goes with this song. 9.5/10...
  18. ZimD

    Fave bands/artists?

    It's definitely worth it -- Brandon Flowers is so fucking talented. Diary of Jane isn't at all my favorite song by them but it's still quite good and it's the one that I heard on the radio and that got me into them.
  19. ZimD

    Rate the Signature above you!

    1.5/10.. not particularly fond of arbitrary randomness and the entire thing is messy. Mostly though it is just HUGE vertically -- ones like this that take up more space than most comments are why I have signatures disabled. It seems rather obnoxious and excessive. Extra .5 points for the Willow...
  20. ZimD

    Rate the song above you

    Took a little too long to build up and the initial ringing tone was discomforting, but I liked the rest of it despite this kind of thing generally not being my thing. A little long tho. Still, I'll say a solid 6.5/10 because it's certainly good for what it is -- just doesn't appeal to me...
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