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Search results

  1. River

    TR41414 :]D (|-.-|) O24 :o

    TR41414 :]D (|-.-|) O24 :o
  2. River

    YEAST! [:|D G16 -_O >:Z :5

    YEAST! [:|D G16 -_O >:Z :5
  3. River

    Yes. :B N08 ._. }:M Thank you very much, ma'am.

    Yes. :B N08 ._. }:M Thank you very much, ma'am.
  4. River

    Yeah. :4 I26 >:N O-o ]:L [o]-[o]

    Yeah. :4 I26 >:N O-o ]:L [o]-[o]
  5. River

    Yeah, it's rare to see a movie that makes me sad. I'm sure most of TCoD is hoping. B14 }:I...

    Yeah, it's rare to see a movie that makes me sad. I'm sure most of TCoD is hoping. B14 }:I o.O >:? [O]
  6. River

    It is quite a good/sad movie one of the few that have drawn me to sadness. There are three at...

    It is quite a good/sad movie one of the few that have drawn me to sadness. There are three at this point. :D I really hope you can get over your depression, You are quite the ten year old and this world would be sad to lose you. 3871 }:G O_o >:7. ]:0)
  7. River

    It's a movie about a girl from a while ago who ran away from an abusive father. But that's not...

    It's a movie about a girl from a while ago who ran away from an abusive father. But that's not the part I'm talking about. It's the part where she meets three people and one of them is a little... abnormal to say the least. They tell her that the strange one once had a twin sister and they...
  8. River

    Something you said reminds me of a movie I watched a while ago. Ever seen 'The Secret Life of...

    Something you said reminds me of a movie I watched a while ago. Ever seen 'The Secret Life of Bees'? ._ ____ _. / (::,,::) \ {:O >:J TeeHee! 8| He has a nose!
  9. River

    I read the thread. That's what the '0H MY' was for. I'm always here to rant to if the stress...

    I read the thread. That's what the '0H MY' was for. I'm always here to rant to if the stress get's too much. (Just reminding you. It really does help you to feel better.) |-(;_;)-| }:S }:P Have a break, Have a KitKat. :| }87D
  10. River

    0H MY ; . ; (I:D) Thank you. "-('_')-" }:F >:L YEAH, CAT. =:O :p

    0H MY ; . ; (I:D) Thank you. "-('_')-" }:F >:L YEAH, CAT. =:O :p
  11. River

    [OOC/SIGNUPS] Streets Run Red

    NAME: Zachary Hamlin AGE: 18 GENDER: Male GANG: Rhinestone Eyes TAG NAME: Nights APPEARANCE: Zach stands at close to 6 feet tall with a light build, although he is stronger than his appearence would suggest. He has lightly tanned skin and strong legs. His black hair hangs down to just past...
  12. River

    J0Y L:P (8D) |..| (-.-) |..| }:L }:O Very. =:) Yeah, supposedly.

    J0Y L:P (8D) |..| (-.-) |..| }:L }:O Very. =:) Yeah, supposedly.
  13. River

    :{) ...*pokes fringe* /TOO BAD ...*walks away slowly*... EVIL ROBOT DOG THINGS...

    :{) ...*pokes fringe* /TOO BAD ...*walks away slowly*... EVIL ROBOT DOG THINGS! (...OHTHATISMUCHLESSAWKWARD...) stalker :[ (Did you not get the email? I sent you the first 4/5 pages.)
  14. River

    QU1T3 :D (:7) (^_o) >:T >:A Quite. S:) As am I. (GMT +8)

    QU1T3 :D (:7) (^_o) >:T >:A Quite. S:) As am I. (GMT +8)
  15. River

    Characterize Yourself As a Trainer

    This. I also have a habit of catching a Zubat at the first chance, no matter what level, and it usually stays with me until I finish the main story line.
  16. River

    V3RY :P (Nice singing.) '^!^' >:{ >:U Singing. x:) Goodnight, my friend. Have a pleasant...

    V3RY :P (Nice singing.) '^!^' >:{ >:U Singing. x:) Goodnight, my friend. Have a pleasant sleep.
  17. River

    ...repetetive. :P (Tralala) ^_^ }:| >:t Damn, It's quite a skill to have. :c

    ...repetetive. :P (Tralala) ^_^ }:| >:t Damn, It's quite a skill to have. :c
  18. River

    A bit of practise helps. :D (1T 8URN5) OnO |:] (:P) >:x I cannot sing at all, it sounds...

    A bit of practise helps. :D (1T 8URN5) OnO |:] (:P) >:x I cannot sing at all, it sounds like a broken toybox. 8 .
  19. River

    [o]-[o]= 0H, 600D (T33H33) OL_O CD (:P) >:\ *gives a treat* 7.

    [o]-[o]= 0H, 600D (T33H33) OL_O CD (:P) >:\ *gives a treat* 7.
  20. River

    :[ (||] ] YOU LIKE THE SCIZOR? (Y34H) 0.o BC '(*_*)' C< *pets kitty* I concur.

    :[ (||] ] YOU LIKE THE SCIZOR? (Y34H) 0.o BC '(*_*)' C< *pets kitty* I concur.
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