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Search results

  1. River

    It's just me, I'm a rather strange person socially. I quite like the name Indigo, I used to...

    It's just me, I'm a rather strange person socially. I quite like the name Indigo, I used to have a friend with that name. (Not a problem.)
  2. River

    Okay. Might as well say Hi. Hello, so I heard you were an awesome person, I wanted to see if...

    Okay. Might as well say Hi. Hello, so I heard you were an awesome person, I wanted to see if the people of the forums were right. (That and I wanted to say that I like your spriting style, it's refreshing.)
  3. River

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II I found the converter plug and now we have an internet connection at my mum's house. And it's faster than our connection at my dad's!
  4. River

    :>) ...*pokes bottom of chin* /CANNOT BE BOTHERED ...fair enough... CARRY THE POKEMONS WITH...

    :>) ...*pokes bottom of chin* /CANNOT BE BOTHERED ...fair enough... CARRY THE POKEMONS WITH ITS PSYCHIC POWERS! (...IDON'TKNOWNPOORMAN...) StalkER :t (I haven't finished writing the first chapter yet. I've only done the first four pages.)
  5. River

    :w) ...*pokes earlobe* /I'm almost out.. TO WIKIPEDIA Your welcome. ...Always...? USE IT...

    :w) ...*pokes earlobe* /I'm almost out.. TO WIKIPEDIA Your welcome. ...Always...? USE IT THEN, DAMN YOU! (...GOTTACATCHHERBUSBUTSHESAWHERFRIENDS...) STalKER. :C (Very much so, Helios will be there and scaring the other students as he does! That's their excuse for inviting him to the school.)
  6. River

    :z) ...*pokes shoulderblade* /ah, that makes more sense. Reject their reality and substitute...

    :z) ...*pokes shoulderblade* /ah, that makes more sense. Reject their reality and substitute their own. Live in their own world where everything is the way they want. Learn what they want when they want. Never knowing the real truth. Or anything about themselves. Eventually the truth hurts...
  7. River

    :p) ...*pokes bridge of nose* /... :|_|: But always lies will shroud your soul. No! Please...

    :p) ...*pokes bridge of nose* /... :|_|: But always lies will shroud your soul. No! Please don't! *cowers* YES, HE'S RIGHT HERE! *SENDS OUT* HE LIKES TO BURN THINGS. LIKE ROBOTS! (...EVERYBODY'SLOOKINGFORWARDTOTHEWEEKEND...) StAlKeR. :G (Thanks. The main character will be kinda oblivious...
  8. River

    :?) ...*pokes thigh* /err... :|-\ Or anyhting about themselves. Ow! *rubs head* I deserved...

    :?) ...*pokes thigh* /err... :|-\ Or anyhting about themselves. Ow! *rubs head* I deserved that... I HAVE TWO OF THEM. ALONG WITH A HAUNTER AND A FEW OTHER GHOST TYPES. (...thankarceusforthat...) Ker. Stal. :L (Very well, I'll email it to you one chapter at a time. She will be a close...
  9. River

    ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: ::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :: :::: ...

    ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: ::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :: :::: :::: :::: ::::: ::: :::: :::: :::? ...*pokes shoulder* /ahwell, keep thinking. :\~) Learn what they want when they want. ...Oh, right. I'M GOING TO RIDE OVER ON THIS OTHER DUSKNOIR *GETS ON* RIDE FOR THE...
  10. River


    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? ...*pokes knee* /Stomach? :|-) Reject their reality and substitute their own. ...Awwww... Why always me and my weird animals? FLOAT FOR THE HILLS! *THROWS SILVER ONTO THE BACK OF...
  11. River

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? ...*pokes wrist* /maybe ear? |:9D That's...

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? ...*pokes wrist* /maybe ear? |:9D That's the human mind rejecting what's different yet accepting it as what the world is made of. ...Nothing involving floating alligators or anything like that heheh... I'm in trouble, aren't I? POSSIBLY...
  12. River

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? ...*pokes ankle* /is almost completely out of places. |:7D...

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? ...*pokes ankle* /is almost completely out of places. |:7D Very much so, Differentiality is what this world is built on. ...Uh oh... YES, DEFINITLY! (...Ohmargawd...) Yes. Veeeeery. .../didn't expect you to have done so. Okay, I'm trying to hunt down a...
  13. River

    ::::::::::::::::? ...*pokes scalp* /is also |:] Being different is good. ...Distraction...

    ::::::::::::::::? ...*pokes scalp* /is also |:] Being different is good. ...Distraction? YES! A DUSKNOIR CARRYING DUSKNOIRS CARRYING MIENFOO AND EEVEE (I can see why) But I've been stalking people for a while. I'm surprisingly good at catching balls in cricket. Half the time I don't...
  14. River

    :::::::::::? ...*pokes cheek* }:] ...Because you're different? ...*Scratches head* Strange...

    :::::::::::? ...*pokes cheek* }:] ...Because you're different? ...*Scratches head* Strange, they must be responding to the taco I put in your pocket. HE'S DUSKNOIR! HE CAN DO ANYTHING HE WANTS BECAUSE HE'S AWESOME! (...Hilarious!) I remember overhearing you saying something about them...
  15. River

    Bahahah. That'd be really weird. (That's a little bit more complicated. Best of luck getting...

    Bahahah. That'd be really weird. (That's a little bit more complicated. Best of luck getting over that.) I do hope so, too many flies around here.
  16. River

    That must've been weird. If not 100% awkward. (It would, most people are subconsciously ashamed...

    That must've been weird. If not 100% awkward. (It would, most people are subconsciously ashamed of their own bodies.) Not too much, I tripped over and hit my shin on a wooden barrel. Stings quite a bit at this point though.
  17. River

    That... That disturbs me. Very much so XD. Right now I've got a dent in my shin!

    That... That disturbs me. Very much so XD. Right now I've got a dent in my shin!
  18. River

    By god, that's hilarious. I'm not sure how funny that could get. But at the moment, it seems, very.

    By god, that's hilarious. I'm not sure how funny that could get. But at the moment, it seems, very.
  19. River

    It is quite funny to watch.

    It is quite funny to watch.
  20. River

    Ohno, not this again. :::::? ...*pokes chin* >:D I quite like them. They're rather nice to...

    Ohno, not this again. :::::? ...*pokes chin* >:D I quite like them. They're rather nice to listen to around here. *Runs away quickly* Come, Silver! They have the taste of human flesh! *SENDS OUT DUSKNOIR* FLEE! (...Bahahahah. I'll get the wooden spoon.) I will. That's rather strange...
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