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Search results

  1. River

    I bet it would be hilarious to see. And not too embarassing if you have the right thoughts on...

    I bet it would be hilarious to see. And not too embarassing if you have the right thoughts on the situation. My dad probably would make jokes about it for the next week or so. Right now he has proclaimed that one of my friends will forever be known as 'Doogie'.
  2. River

    I'm glad you're glad. That could be awkward, especially with guests. A good conversation starter...

    I'm glad you're glad. That could be awkward, especially with guests. A good conversation starter though.
  3. River

    That's really good. I'm glad. (Bahahah. That's possibly a good thing. Hilarious as it may be.)

    That's really good. I'm glad. (Bahahah. That's possibly a good thing. Hilarious as it may be.)
  4. River

    Ah, so you're back again? Good to see you. How's life at this point?

    Ah, so you're back again? Good to see you. How's life at this point?
  5. River

    '^_^ ...*pokes upper arm* ^_^ We had a storm last night. Quite a bit of lightning. Yes...

    '^_^ ...*pokes upper arm* ^_^ We had a storm last night. Quite a bit of lightning. Yes... They were a failed attempt at defeating an army of ninjas. They almost won until the ninjas threw a steak at me. Not something good. *feels bite on leg* Uh oh. RUN SILVER! THEY HAVE POOR TURNING...
  6. River

    ::"":: ...*pokes foot* 'u' It's raining here too, at 3 in the afternoon! ... Probably a good...

    ::"":: ...*pokes foot* 'u' It's raining here too, at 3 in the afternoon! ... Probably a good idea... Not like I accidentally released my secret invisible lion experiment or anything *nervous laugh* No nothing like that at all... OHMARGAWD. THE PUPS MUST BE SAVED! (I don't go out of my way...
  7. River

    :;:;:; ...*pokes ribs* Heheh, Quite. They are kinda cold. Lot of rain though. ...Maybe...

    :;:;:; ...*pokes ribs* Heheh, Quite. They are kinda cold. Lot of rain though. ...Maybe... FLOAT AWAY! (...Very much so. Arachnaphobia doesn't help.) It's part of his disguise. I think. O_O-
  8. River

    ;u;;u;;u; ...*pokes twice* Lucky, we're just going into winter now. *notices more tigers*...

    ;u;;u;;u; ...*pokes twice* Lucky, we're just going into winter now. *notices more tigers* Uhhhh... FLOAT AWAY YOU DUBIOUS DISK-MAD DUCK THINGS, FLOAT FOR YOUR LIVES! (...*looks at box* Ummm... Who in their right mind gave me this 500 piece spider puzzle? *Helps Silver*) Ah, yeah that was...
  9. River

    ;D;D;D ...*pokes back* Lucky, we get a set of tests towards the end of every term...

    ;D;D;D ...*pokes back* Lucky, we get a set of tests towards the end of every term. ...Probably a good idea... FLOAT AWAY! FLOAT LIKE THE WIND, DUCK THINGS! (...Hrm... *picks up 500 piece puzzle and throws it*) It was rather confusing although I think I was reading the wrong thing. 0.O
  10. River

    |:D|:D|:D ...Yeah... Damn, we had to do those the last few weeks. ...No rocks yet? *peeks out...

    |:D|:D|:D ...Yeah... Damn, we had to do those the last few weeks. ...No rocks yet? *peeks out only to get hit on the head by a rock* Dammit! Oh my god... RUN YOU STRANGE DUCK THINGS! RUUUUUUN! (...Everything went better than expected...) Okay... Got it. I'll get to reading it now. o.O
  11. River

    BDBDBD They aren't obvious. Very much so. I wish you luck. *Pulls out cartoon umbrella* NOT...

    BDBDBD They aren't obvious. Very much so. I wish you luck. *Pulls out cartoon umbrella* NOT MY FAULT. ONOES!! RUN YOU LITTLE DATA DUCKS! RUN! (*Catches them* ...You just solved this rubiks cube...) Not at all. I always meant to ask you about it though. O.O
  12. River

    XDXDXD Not obviously. Perhaps. I don't have the time to really get into an RP at this point...

    XDXDXD Not obviously. Perhaps. I don't have the time to really get into an RP at this point. Maybe if I can find the time. French breadsticks are REALLY hard, I think it may hold *breadstick snaps* Uh oh. ONOES! HIDE THE DATA FILES! (Fair enough) Also good to be proud about. I'm... I'm not...
  13. River

    :D:D:D I think some of them might. I'll get a look later on. You usually have good taste in...

    :D:D:D I think some of them might. I'll get a look later on. You usually have good taste in RPs. I'll replace it with this french breadstick. *swaps* *chompchompchomp* That would be interesting. Very. (That's fair.) That is a good thing to take pride in *shot* DAMN. That's five dollars I...
  14. River

    BahahahBahahahBahahah Small? Yes. Weak? Not so much. Some think I am strong, I am not. None of...

    BahahahBahahahBahahah Small? Yes. Weak? Not so much. Some think I am strong, I am not. None of them are very appealing to me at the moment. I'm also not in the mood to roleplay for the moment. Maybe once I get my mind back up and running. ...The long metal pole supporting this section of the...
  15. River

    SamehereiwasjustconfusingyouSamehereiwasjustconfusingyouSamehereiwasjustconfusingyou I do...

    SamehereiwasjustconfusingyouSamehereiwasjustconfusingyouSamehereiwasjustconfusingyou I do too... Although they are all small and weak except for one. He has a few temper issues. That, I would enjoy. Awww... That was my last donut. *chompychompchomp* Nice! That is quite helpful in everyday...
  16. River

    WowitsafariylcommonflavourhereWowitsafairlycommonflavourhereWowitsafairlycommonflavourhere I...

    WowitsafariylcommonflavourhereWowitsafairlycommonflavourhereWowitsafairlycommonflavourhere I did that in year 8. It saved me from two years of bullying because everyone's still scared of me. I don't recommend it though. It might be, you never know. Oi! This is a brand new jacket! *chomp*...
  17. River

    ItsratherniceItsratherniceItsrathernice So how's school treating yooooou? Yes. Yes you will...

    ItsratherniceItsratherniceItsrathernice So how's school treating yooooou? Yes. Yes you will. Hey! *chomp* I hope you're able to see it one day. It has quit ea good plotline and the animation is better. Although there is, in general, a lot more blowing up of inanimate objects. (Not in the...
  18. River

    AsincaramelAsincaramelAsincaramel That sucksssss! Again! Hurrah! Very much so, indeed...

    AsincaramelAsincaramelAsincaramel That sucksssss! Again! Hurrah! Very much so, indeed. ...Those Bastards! That's the best one! (Not everyone enjoys every game. You might not enjoy Portal.) Very much so, yes, yes, yes!
  19. River

    HermalHermalHermal Awww! ...That's reasonable... That's just as good. That sucks. Part 2 has...

    HermalHermalHermal Awww! ...That's reasonable... That's just as good. That sucks. Part 2 has a lot of death in it. I'd be amazed if they even showed it. (It's quite a good game. Might not be for you.) How's life treating you?
  20. River

    HermmmHermmmHermmm But you started your holidays on monday? ...Perhaps... They are quite...

    HermmmHermmmHermmm But you started your holidays on monday? ...Perhaps... They are quite sharp though. Awww, that's the most humerous part! (I got Portal 2!)
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