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Search results

  1. Greenumbreon

    Which video game song do you think is the best ever?

    This one! 8D Geometry Wars Retro Evolved FTW!
  2. Greenumbreon

    Ever "caught 'em all"?

    I finished my pokedex (all 151) in Red and Yellow, with the wonderful help of the mew glitch. And in Ranger. And then in Emerald, simply for the sake of getting myself a cyndaquil. I actually got my Saphire entirely for getting a lunatone, 'cause no one I knew had Saphire. Then Saphire was...
  3. Greenumbreon

    I hate Nintendo.

    Pah, Shaymin's sky form's ugly. I don't care much for it. At all. It looks nothing like it has anything to do with the sky now, does it? And I wonder, why does Nintendo make those special event items (Oak's letter, Azure flute and that card thingy) if they never intend to give them out? All...
  4. Greenumbreon

    I'd like a tauros steak... Yum.

    I'd like a tauros steak... Yum.
  5. Greenumbreon


  6. Greenumbreon

    Hi. I'm hungry.

    Hi. I'm hungry.
  7. Greenumbreon


    And I'm your senior! Ha! I'm bored.
  8. Greenumbreon


  9. Greenumbreon

    Hi. I'm hungry.

    Hi. I'm hungry.
  10. Greenumbreon

    Haiku thread!

    I love my haikus. So epic in proportion. They make me hungry. But then there is one, Thing that you really must do. You must bake a cake. Or you will die soon, A horrible, painful death. Greenumbreon's wrath! Alright. Anyway: Who would like some pie right now? Anyone? No? 'kay. Now I am...
  11. Greenumbreon

    Hey, Imaginary Friends

    Well, I am most certainly NOT real. I am but a figment of everyone's imagination. Including my own. Which is difficult to understand, and even more difficult to explain. In fact, if I were real, then I wouldn't be able to type that paragraph below this sentence, would I? "Ahem. If one were to...
  12. Greenumbreon

    Where do babies come from?

    No! You all have it wrong! Ahem. When a woman finds a small stick in her backyard, she will suddenly feel the urge to chew on it, and go to the bathroom. Which many do. Any toilet that has been used for some time will most certainly emit radioactive waves, which, in combination with the chewing...
  13. Greenumbreon

    I'm stuck.

    Godammit, I can't beat Zelda II. Not that I don't know what to do (I have no fear of walkthroughs, there's no story to ruin) It's just so bloody hard. Fear my wrath, Boss Ironknuckle! *two seconds later* Dammit, I died again. I do believe I ended up beating him eventually, but that was the...
  14. Greenumbreon

    Favorite Video Games

    Yeah, so my favorite games are, uh lemme think... POKEMON! The entire main series Practically every Zelda game, ecpecially Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Halo! Fable (and Fable II) Who couldn't like it? Super Mario 64, mostly because of the 1,000,000,000+ glitches to experiment with...
  15. Greenumbreon

    Lines you won't find in the Bible.

    And on the [insert number here]st/nd/rd/th day, Groudon forged the Earth with it's bare claws, while God watched and drank a coke. And on the [insert number here]st/nd/rd/th day, God buried Groudon, then gave birth to Kyogre. And on the [insert number here]st/nd/rd/th day, God realised that he...
  16. Greenumbreon

    Greetings, fellow sentients.

    Mmmm, cake'n bacon. I love cake. And bacon, which is in fact, NOT ham up here in the southern part of the southernmost Canadian province. But I do like ham. And pork too. Also, I do in fact know what role playing is.
  17. Greenumbreon

    Easiest Final Bosses in video games

    Lucien in Fable II is the easiest I've ever fought. By far. I wonder is he can even be comsidered a boss. All you have to do is hold that legendary music box (which one didn't even have to fight anthing for) up to Lucien, it attacks him and stops him from activating the Spire, then he gets...
  18. Greenumbreon

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    Umbreon, I think. Though chimeco rates pretty high.
  19. Greenumbreon

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet? Scizor, machop and houndoom. Scizor and machop 'cause they're ever so useful. And houndoom looks cool, and I could ride on it! Plus it could torch those burglars my grandmother is so worried about. And rayquaza, to fly on.
  20. Greenumbreon

    Greetings, fellow sentients.

    Hello, Ibiku! What's RP?
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