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Search results

  1. Goat

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts
    Threadmarks: Ch04: Muscle Memory

    From the depths of her bedding, Astrid rose again with a concealed scowl. She hadn't bothered to visit Drungfield this time. Even if it made her feel more at home, whatever that even meant, her feet worked fine and that was enough for now after a dream like that. Her directionless trek through...
  2. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Astrid saw their plan fall apart the moment the toddlers took the brunt of Archie's shell for Sophie, as if they, too, had a divine coordinator linking them. Perhaps she'd underestimated their sobriety now that everyone's adrenaline had run its course. Oh well. Then the flames came, turning her...
  3. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Even if the Fake Tears weren’t painful, all the sensory overload from the moment she’d walked into camp left Astrid cringing at it anyway. But there was hardly any time to linger on it since she dove from the tower squarely onto Sophie’s head. An eleven-pronged barrage followed before she rolled...
  4. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    With a final shove, Astrid was inside the tower’s nest, face to face with a lone, frantic Impdimp. “Hi,” she said, “I’m Astri—oouf!” And just like that, with a swipe and a leap, it had jumped down to where she’d come from. Tower conquered! But… she rubbed her nose and it barely stung. That was...
  5. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    “Friend or fiend? Which will it be~” Astrid hummed and whistled to herself, trailing back a little. The steppe had put her in a good mood in spite of some pricks in her paws, and the company was always nice. She went mute at Betel’s warning and furrowed her brow. “Hmh. If there’s a Dodrio in...
  6. Goat

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    [Flavor TBA]
  7. Goat

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Astrid existed in a deep, blissful forest of unknown material that gathered around her like a thornbush, hugging her, but offered neither pain nor comfort. She drifted through--or pushed herself?--slowly, slowly, seeking nothing until something found her. A glowing flower sprouted from a...
  8. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Their advance was stymied by the terrain as she’d feared, punishing them not on their initial assault but on the back end. Ayda splashed them with bone-chilling water and Razael swung wildly as they passed, frustrating Astrid with how effortless it seemed. She tried to keep light on her feet but...
  9. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Astrid was a bit more forward than her chimera compatriot. "Hi! I'm Astrid!" she said, eyes trailing down from the Rangers to their improvised buffet. "If we win, um, can I have a bite?"
  10. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Not for the first or the last time, Astrid found herself lost in a daydream about gliding through the clouds, unbound by gravity-- and when that got old, over the terrain that slowed their travels. She didn't really mind it, but she couldn't help herself either; after weeks here she still felt...
  11. Goat

    Blaguarro Town Abandoned District

    Astrid trailed the others inside, occupying herself with the extraneous details of the upper room and then moving down to the basement. And as they pieced it together--the blindfolds, the tunnel, the rumors--Astrid tilted her head behind her a few degrees, scanning the walls here, too. She knew...
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