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Search results

  1. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Soirée. Another unfamiliar word. Fascinating. Context clues were her friend on this one, though. "I'm out of the loop," Astrid said sheepishly as she returned the poster. "I guess... I wanted to get a taste of my surroundings first and got a little lost in that. Oops." She moved to balance...
  2. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid nodded along until-- "--Ohh. Oh." The calculus started calculus'ing in her head. "You haven't just... heard of them, you're one of them. One of us, I should say. S-sorry, I guess I didn't recognize you! There were so many I guess I didn't spot you at first, ahah..." She grabbed the...
  3. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid almost waved him off, but reconsidered. "Water'd be nice, actually. Thanks. But um, otherwise I'm fine, I think." She sought something in the room to fix her eyes on, settling on one of the berry sacks hanging from the ceiling, between moments of looking at the Misdreavus so she could...
  4. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid's head hung at a tilt, paw to her chin. Why she'd come here next in her aimless journey to find nothing in particular was beyond her; maybe it was the dim lighting allowing her eyes some rest from the beating sun outside, the magnetism of desaturated colors peeking through the blinds, or...
  5. Goat

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    "Yep," Astrid said. "I guess I'm... well. I'm as desensitized to it as you can reasonably be. But the short of it is that much of my world got torched by the sun, and that particular continent got hit the worst. It's..." With a deep sigh, Astrid leaned against a haphazardly discarded steel...
  6. Goat

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    “Reminds me of a continent in my world, kinda,” Astrid said. “Desert. Abundance of resources deep within like there clearly are here, so it attracted people from all over. It became a melting pot in its own way with the kind of people settling down temporarily and long-term, but… mm. It was so...
  7. Goat

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    "Huh... tiers of intellect, it sounds like." Astrid rubbed the fluff on her head subconsciously. "I actually grew up in a colony like what you're describing, kind of! We had basic language, but it was crude, and we were so detached from the world, and... and I dunno. I guess you could've...
  8. Goat

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    Astrid leaned her weight side-to-side before finally shaking her head. "Never seen your species, no. And I don't know that word. 'Ah-loh-lahn'. Guessing that's an analogue for 'Ice' Vulpix? The Fires are much more common where I'm from... mm. Especially the last few years." She bit her lip...
  9. Goat

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    Astrid tasted that word for a long moment. "Think I'd say the same. Um. About preserving my understanding, not... wondering what I am, eheh. I know I'm a Vulpix--" she sighed, "--again. I never minded it until I'd long gotten used to being bigger..." She puffed crystallized air as a sanity...
  10. Goat

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    Astrid's tongue pressed against the roof of her mouth as she listened closely. A slip. Astrid caught it, raised her brow a half-inch, but didn't press when so much else of what he said demanded her brain-space. "Wish I could say the same, I guess," she said a little lamely. "I've been...
  11. Goat

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    "Nope," Astrid said. "Nope, I'm… definitely not from 'round here. Nice to meet you too, Gladion." She took her time pronouncing it and let out a chuckle, forcing it somewhat. "I got to know an awful lot of people at the edge of the world--um, my world, I mean--but I've never heard of a name...
  12. Goat

    Offscreen Activities

    Astrid travels to the Town Hall in Founder's Square -- and then the library in Little Scriven, if necessary -- in search of a cartography job. She offers experience with photogrammetry and surveying, as well as that of a diplomat carrying out those tasks among obscure cultural groups in distant...
  13. Goat

    Frontier Town Industrial Park
    Threadmarks: Ch01: Astrid and Gladion

    Astrid had come the first she'd heard of a 'park'. Hah. How silly she'd been. She clicked her tongue at every ironclad warehouse she passed between. Knocked her tails together at the squeaky wheels of wagons rolling in the distance. Forced the sawdust from her throat amidst the hubbub of...
  14. Goat

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Astrid was never great navigating towns, with all their twists and alleyways and whatnot. Fortunately, the square really wasn't that hard to find, with the nearest thoroughfare clearly leading to the beating heart of Frontier Town. The first thing that caught her eye wasn't the Town Hall or...
  15. Goat

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    Astrid was biting her lip again, subconsciously. "...I'm not human, just so y'know. But I am lost. We all are. You don't have to tell us what all that's about if you think it'll hurt more than help, but information's what we need right now. Basic stuff y'all from around here take for granted."...
  16. Goat

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    "Thanks! And yup," Astrid said, relaxing a little and even beaming at the compliment. "Hehe, I hear you. I'm still getting used to the whole..." Her tongue skidded to a stop mid-sentence and a beat passed. Humans? Were they behind this entire fever dream? "...multiple worlds thing. But it's...
  17. Goat

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    'Status thing', Gerome had said. Astrid bit her lip and rummaged through the box looking for something that spoke to her. She might as well be a little picky if nobody was coming for this stuff, right? One glance around at the lack of naked customers was proof enough that it mattered. "Umm...
  18. Goat

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    Frontier Town? More deja vu. Just out of reach, no matter how she strained. Had she heard of it? No, surely not. And yet… Astrid hoped this wouldn’t be a trend. More pressing matters at hand, she shuffled over to the bar and sat one stool down from the Treecko with clasped paws. Thrum thrum...
  19. Goat

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    All a blur. No simple string of events tied Astrid from then to now — only loose memories, fuzzy vibes that didn’t quite register right. Deja vu she couldn’t explain. One overwhelming difference did strike her right away: a third of her tails had been ripped off, but no pain. She was smaller...
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