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Search results

  1. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

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    Pal Park (v 3.0)

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    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  4. Z

    R/B/Y Pokemon Yellow 2 to Pokemon Yellow 5

    it would be nice to get those 4 badges, riding on lapras against a blastoise, climbing a cliff to the top, etc and finish Yellow 2 by starting the Journey where you see Suicune near New Bark Town, etc.
  5. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  6. Z

    You're Banned

    Your banned for not talking about videogames
  7. Z

    The Rank-Up Thread

    don't worry you will become a caterpie btw I am now a Caterpie :)
  8. Z

    R/B/Y Pokemon Yellow 2 to Pokemon Yellow 5

    i think they should make these games, only this time the story-line takes place in the Orange Islands to the Unova Regions. and Each game has what ash does in the anime. Yes you begin with Pikachu ( in each game ), however you can get the pokemon ash got in that region for example getting a...
  9. Z

    Mohacastle's Black 2 Boxes

    I Hope you are able to breed a Hydreigon & Charizard for me
  10. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  11. Z

    You're Banned

    your banned for not creating an avatar for me
  12. Z

    You're Banned

    your banned for saying that
  13. Z

    Pokemon X/Y

    Perhaps Mega Charizard would look better ?
  14. Z

    tCoD ASB Revival

    I for one would like to see ASB Return here, I hope i can help with bringing back ASB to this forum.
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    Pokemon X/Y

    I wonder what Mega Shiny Latias would look like.
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    Pokemon X/Y

    or Mega Pikachu ?
  17. Z

    Pokemon X/Y

    Electric/Fairy ?
  18. Z

    Pokemon X/Y

    what is the future for Pikachu ?
  19. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  20. Z

    Join Pokesun Today

    http://www.pokesun.com they have a great site, it's a nice forum. they have many great quality features, including asb, role-play, games, etc. ASB - great setup, friendly staff, and much more Forum Arcade - great games to play Badges - you can earn badges like an ASB Battler badge...
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