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Search results

  1. Silver-Miatsu

    Personality Counts

    Okay. You had your friggin rant, now stop insulting me. EDIT: Unless, of course, you like picking on me for an unknown reason. >_>
  2. Silver-Miatsu

    Thank you. x3

    Thank you. x3
  3. Silver-Miatsu

    Personality Counts

    Okay, seriously, would you all please stop aiming stuff at me? I was just freaking defending my friend as I said before. I'm not TRYING To make you guys freaking mad, or whatever, but I would appricate if you guys would stop throwing shit at me. Ugh, I just want some peace.
  4. Silver-Miatsu

    Personality Counts

    Look, I was just defending my friend, and suddenly I get "Boo fucking hoo, get the hell over it." Does that sound nice? Is that how you treat members? >_> And no, it does not ring a bell. And last time I checked, "Boo fucking hoo" Is freaking out.
  5. Silver-Miatsu

    Personality Counts

    Ugghh. What I mean by that is ANYBODY Can make a website, but it's friggin stressful to actually run a big site. I bet like, what, 1 of you in this thread actually have an active site? Yeah, that's what I thought. And so this is how mods treat members? Pfft. I'm really surprised this site...
  6. Silver-Miatsu

    Personality Counts

    Okay, kids. Calm down. Well you DON'T. And no, Surskitty, it isn't that simple. So quit fucking freaking out and listen to reason for once. Chances are you Don't even KNOW HER. >3>;; God, this is why I never stayed active on TCoD.
  7. Silver-Miatsu

    Personality Counts

    Go ahead and call me a newfag for randomly showing up again, but this needs to stop. She's an awesome person, and there is probably a lot going on. You guys really don't know what it's like to own a website. It's stressful, and I'll put it at that. Sure, we were both wrong. Yeah, she was being...
  8. Silver-Miatsu


  9. Silver-Miatsu

    *Shoot* xD

    *Shoot* xD
  10. Silver-Miatsu

    Hii! Hii! Hii! <3~

  11. Silver-Miatsu

    Hii! Hii! Hii! <3~

    OH NO. People who go for Yaoi drown in it and then come back as Zombies, Like Ev did. XDD Naraga: Is Hack'd a Yaoi Addict? :P SHUT UP NARAGA *Double-Kick-Shove*
  12. Silver-Miatsu

    Hii! Hii! Hii! <3~

    HII. Naraga: OMG I'M GONNA DIE THERE ARE TOO MANY CRAZYS! RUNAWAII!! I think we are gonna get along JUST FIINEEE~ And I forgot to mention I like literally chewing on empty soda cans. :3
  13. Silver-Miatsu

    HI GUISE. :3

    HI GUISE. :3
  14. Silver-Miatsu

    Hii! Hii! Hii! <3~

    NO. NO. NOT THE L X LIGHT FANDOM. ;~; *Reika: *Drags Hack'd Off* o_O
  15. Silver-Miatsu

    Hii! Hii! Hii! <3~

  16. Silver-Miatsu

    Hii! Hii! Hii! <3~

    Weeellll, In summary, I lurb Death Note, Am a crazed Anime Fan who gets high from Ramen, Hates Firestar and L, Absolutely loves Tigerstar and Raito, Rping, Playing with my Canons, Likes saying -Chan, And is absolutely crazy. :3
  17. Silver-Miatsu

    Why thank yoouuu! =:3=

    Why thank yoouuu! =:3=
  18. Silver-Miatsu

    Hii! Hii! Hii! <3~

  19. Silver-Miatsu

    Hii! Hii! Hii! <3~

    Why thank chuuuu! :3 <33
  20. Silver-Miatsu

    Hii! Hii! Hii! <3~

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