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Search results

  1. Esque


    Um. Well, I could sew one in a couple hours for about $40, so, $119 is really expensive. But... they don't actually look that good...
  2. Esque

    Hiya! ^_^

    Welcome to TCoD. Have a cookie. There's also a tax on water... want some juice?
  3. Esque


    You have no reason to employ swearing in this circumstance, Blackthorn. Set a good example for the newbie before I hit you with my two-by-four.
  4. Esque


    Hi! Welcome to TCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod. Have a cookie!
  5. Esque


  6. Esque


    Um. I don't know. I just enjoy offering cookies.
  7. Esque


    Welcome to TCoD. Have a cookie.
  8. Esque

    Hello, I'm Mew14.

    Hi!! Nice to meet you! ^_^
  9. Esque

    Are you disordered?

    I retook the test in a different mood, we'll call it. Let's compare. Disorder | Rating | Opinion Paranoid: Low | The same. Sureeeee. Schizoid: Low | Same/still sounds right. Schizotypal: High | Went down? I think it should be higher. Antisocial: Moderate | The same. Uh... I think it ought to be...
  10. Esque

    Usually I can find an excuse (or just go without an excuse) to walk to the library near me when...

    Usually I can find an excuse (or just go without an excuse) to walk to the library near me when I'm grounded (and the grocery store, and church, and the field, and some other school's baseball practice...) but in general when I disappear for more than two days it's because I'm grounded.
  11. Esque

    Hmm. I might join. Most likely not right now - I am continually being grounded for...

    Hmm. I might join. Most likely not right now - I am continually being grounded for who-knows-what, so that would be bad for whoever I'm fighting.
  12. Esque

    Upon rare occasion. AKA, only if I already know it's semi-decent.

    Upon rare occasion. AKA, only if I already know it's semi-decent.
  13. Esque

    I am the most awesome.

    I SKIPPED EVERY DAY FOR THE FOUR YEARS I WAS supposedly HOMESCHOOLED! I stayed home legally, though. Yeeeah.
  14. Esque

    What's ASB?

    What's ASB?
  15. Esque


    Hi! Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod. Have fun!
  16. Esque


  17. Esque

    Meat Eating

    I have several friends who are 'chickitarian'. As in, vegetarian but they eat chicken. And then there's another friend of mine, who's vegetarian but she eats bacon. No comment there.
  18. Esque

    Your Personal Notepad

    Mine says:
  19. Esque

    No April Fools joke?

    Aww. Oh well. Hey, maybe we should plan something for May 1? I'm always behind on April Fool's anyway.
  20. Esque

    New :D

    But... you joined before I did! ^ _ ^
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