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Search results

  1. Esque

    Internet Security?

    I'm seconding Avast! and AVG, but if you want to be really ridiculous, you could set the clock on your computer back six months and see whether your Norton reacts. I've heard stories.
  2. Esque

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    Miles Edgeworth Investigations, Episode 5.
  3. Esque


    I speak English well enough to know that I don't speak it fluently. I'm in my first year of Latin classes but I'm learning second year material with the Certamen team. Simply by living in this culture I've picked up a bit of Spanish, though I will eventually take up formal Spanish classes. I...
  4. Esque

    The Bank

    I'd like to open an account with a Chikorita as a starter pleeeease? Thanks you!
  5. Esque

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    *Slaps down $20.* I'm going in!
  6. Esque

    So... who here knows how to factor the differences of squares?

    Oh. That makes sense. Thank you.
  7. Esque


    Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod! Have a cookie!
  8. Esque


    I read VGCats and Super Effective. I do keep up with OOTS, but that's about it.
  9. Esque

    Are you a virgin?

    Mango - You just said it yourself. It's a risk. And it's not a risk I'm taking.
  10. Esque

    Suicide Game! =D

    I stare at Mew. Mew uses Staring Contest! I lost. I fainted. I drop Pokemon ClearCrystal. (I made it up. Be quiet.)
  11. Esque

    Your Favorite Pokémon or all the Others?

    Re: Your Favorite Pokémon or all the Others? I would most definetly choose 'everything else' because... uh... bidoof really can't fight worth much.
  12. Esque

    Are you a virgin?

    Yes. I can't imagine why you would expect any different. I decided a while back that I'd rather have the father legally bound to the child in some way. I'd rather not tackle being a single mom. (And my mom is not getting anywhere near any of my children.) Then again, I'm still a minor, so I...
  13. Esque

    Suicide Game! =D

    Eats, bone gets caught in throat, dies of suffocation. I drop a wristwatch.
  14. Esque

    Wild PILLOW Appeared!

    I'm blaming this on the fact that I haven't been around that long. But, seriously, you can't credit everything to your old username and think you'll get away with a duplicate account. And your signature is a dead giveaway.
  15. Esque

    Suicide Game! =D

    ...*lives* *Is killed by living* I drop a highlighter green sled.
  16. Esque

    Wild PILLOW Appeared!

    Ohai. *Hugs* Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod. Have a cookie.
  17. Esque

    So... who here knows how to factor the differences of squares?

    I think maybe I should explain this better. I think I understand what I'm supposed to be doing, and I know (vaguely) how to factor. However, in all of the example problems of gotten on this subject, the two sides of the equals sign look like completely different and unrelated problems. a^2-b^2...
  18. Esque

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    I would most likely end up with a random Pokemon I came across on some random adventure in my back yard. A pidgey or something.
  19. Esque

    New :D

    Press 'Y' for menu. Hiiii! I'm Esque. Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod. Have a cookie.
  20. Esque

    I could NOT become a kindergarten teacher. Maybe 3rd grade, but not kindergarten. I don't have...

    I could NOT become a kindergarten teacher. Maybe 3rd grade, but not kindergarten. I don't have that kind of patience.
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