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  1. Esque

    Original introductions are original.

    Salve Hello, Waffles. I adore your avatar. Gumshoe simply must be counted among my favorites in the Phoenix Wright series, along with Godot. Yes, I play Phoenix Wright. I also nearly always believe I am spelling that incorrectly. I hope to see you around the forum!
  2. Esque

    *insert introduction here*

    Removing the header? So would you be using HTML to edit it out of the page? Or maybe would CSS work better for that? Perhaps I ought cease speculating on this before my hacking ability is brought under speculation.
  3. Esque


    Hello! Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod.
  4. Esque


    Hello. I am Esque. There is a backstory to this name which I may wish to share later, but in short, Esque is what I call my creative spirit. I love to write, although I fail to bear the consistency of those who can withhold the practice of keeping a diary. I frequently attempt to convince myself...
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