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Search results

  1. M

    Web Designers Club

    Charizard2K's site does have its faults, but to describe it as "ridiculously bad" is just abusive. Here are my observations: Frames are bad. You should probably find another way of doing the front page news. lists > tables. The table of contents, despite being referred to as a "table", should...
  2. M

    Pokemon-Planet.com - Chek it out

    You say that 2 sentences after describing it as... (my bold) For trading Pokémon: what is it about your site that elevates you above GTS+? For competitive battling: what is it about your site that elevates you above Smogon? Also why does every single link on the homepage require Javascript?
  3. M

    Sorry I've been a bit slow this week, I went back to uni at the weekend. Anyway, I've signed...

    Sorry I've been a bit slow this week, I went back to uni at the weekend. Anyway, I've signed up. What now?
  4. M

    Profile Archive

    Active Squad Solomon Gligar Gligar (M) Ability: Hyper Cutter Experience: None Approval Link Acacia Sentret Sentret (F) Ability: Keen Eye Experience: None Approval Link Perry Mudkip Mudkip (M) Ability: Torrent Experience: None Approval Link Stored Pokémon None Items None
  5. M

    Bank of TCoD

    $45 - $35 = $10
  6. M

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I'd like to buy a team. [Solomon] Gligar (M) <Hyper Cutter> - $20 [Acacia] Sentret (F) <Keen Eye> - $5 [Perry] Mudkip (M) <Torrent> - $10 Total: $35.
  7. M

    Bank of TCoD

    I'd like a bank account please.
  8. M

    Yeah, I couldn't live without internet. Anyway, ASB. I've always felt a little discouraged from...

    Yeah, I couldn't live without internet. Anyway, ASB. I've always felt a little discouraged from it because it's kinda like roleplaying, which I'm not very good at, but I'll give it a go.
  9. M

    :O that's one every 4 hours and 9 minutes... how the hell did you manage that?

    :O that's one every 4 hours and 9 minutes... how the hell did you manage that?
  10. M

    I live in south-eastern England. When I'm not at university I live in the middle of nowhere, so...

    I live in south-eastern England. When I'm not at university I live in the middle of nowhere, so there's not much to do, but apart from that it's nice. What's Pennsylvania like?
  11. M

    Sounds good. I've never really thought that much about what I want to do with my life, it's...

    Sounds good. I've never really thought that much about what I want to do with my life, it's always been a case of "get a job in whatever on-a-whim thing I decide to do this month". I've been studying Media for the last few years, so I know that's where I want to go, but I'm never really sure...
  12. M

    I'm good at making websites, so I'd like to be a web designer/programmer. What about you?

    I'm good at making websites, so I'd like to be a web designer/programmer. What about you?
  13. M

    :O You don't like chocolate?! I've done some writing, but I'm not very good at it. I like TV...

    :O You don't like chocolate?! I've done some writing, but I'm not very good at it. I like TV, so I co-wrote a webshow with some friends a while back, but we never got round to actually filming it.
  14. M

    What do you want to see in the 5th gen?

    Yeah, we need more fighting types. Also, I'd love another Ranger game.
  15. M

    Lol. You should publish a report with graphs and stuff. Everybody loves graphs.

    Lol. You should publish a report with graphs and stuff. Everybody loves graphs.
  16. M

    Did you really manage to record every cup of tea for the entire year? That's quite an achievement!

    Did you really manage to record every cup of tea for the entire year? That's quite an achievement!
  17. M

    New years resolutions?

    I sometimes think of things, but I've usually completely forgotten them by the end of January.
  18. M

    <strike>The sky.</strike> Nothing much, I got a ridiculous amount of chocolate for christmas...

    <strike>The sky.</strike> Nothing much, I got a ridiculous amount of chocolate for christmas, so I'm just eating my way through it atm. What about you?
  19. M

    I'll give you that one. But eggs taste better!

    I'll give you that one. But eggs taste better!
  20. M

    I like eggs - you can fry them, poach them, scramble them, boil them, the possibilities are endless!

    I like eggs - you can fry them, poach them, scramble them, boil them, the possibilities are endless!
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