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Search results

  1. V

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom Sorry, USD only!! :P
  2. V

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom *adapts weird foreign accent.* Thattle be 7.95$!!! wanna buy a nuke?
  3. V

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom YAY VIOLENCE!!! *silence* what, can't a rational human being appreciate the good things in life. *opens jacket* hey you, yeah you... you wanna buy a weapon.
  4. V

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom because the indubitable facts of the matter are that you philosophically MUST have a reason, to take the raccoons hostage. Good enough? in short, your need for a reason is the reason.
  5. V

    I fought the school because it was the most logical thing to do at the moment.

    I danced with a unicorn because bunny patterned monkeys are dancing in my head. And now for something completely different
  6. V

    You're Invited!

    YES!!! *runs around happily for five minutes, then becomes serious again and begins teh ADVENTURE OF AWESOMETASTICNESS. *Invites you to join as a supporting character*
  7. V

    You're Invited!

    Sweet, nice place ya got there. I SHALL KILL YOU AND STEAL IT FOR MYSELF!!!!! and then I shall have pudding. *invites you to a WORLD OF PAINNNNN!! Bwahahahahahaha!
  8. V

    You're Invited!

    Oh dear, a James bond music video, my dream has come true. *you are invited to my formal "Scorpius owns the world" ceremony.
  9. V

    Education in US

    Ah, the joys of homeschooling. I love my education. U.S. teachers are underpaid, not as knowledgeable as they could be, and unionized. What can you expect but garbage?
  10. V

    Google your username.

    266 results, or at least that is what it says on the first page. Going to the last page available reveals only about 57 results. Does no-one read obscure James Bond novels.
  11. V

    Well well, and I bet you thougth you were rid of me.

    I tried to engage in debates. Unfortunately, I was neither good at them, nor good at acknowledging that fact. Consequently, I ended up looking like an idiot. Thank you though.
  12. V

    Well well, and I bet you thougth you were rid of me.

    Thank you. Chatting on a guestbook, not fun.
  13. V

    Well well, and I bet you thougth you were rid of me.

    That sounds like a terribly unpleasant experience. and thank you both.
  14. V

    Well well, and I bet you thougth you were rid of me.

    I saw something about a forum crash, would someone kindly explain what happened! And thank You.
  15. V

    Well well, and I bet you thougth you were rid of me.

    It would seem that my path in life has once again led me to this forum. Before reminding you of who I am though, I give you this promise, I shant act like such an idiot again. That said, Greetings from Mi6. I am Vladimir Scorpius, future world dictator, evil mad scientist genius, 00 agent, and...
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