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Search results

  1. Creasy

    Banning Books

    You just rephrased your original position without adding any reasoning. Why shouldn't we let five-year-olds watch porn? School libraries stock all kinds of material of questionable educational value (think Twilight). It encourages children to read.
  2. Creasy

    Cleaner Sprite Generator?

    Include an array of Pokémon and do something like this: <label for="pokemon">Name or number:</label> <input type="text" name="pokemon" id="pokemon" /> $pokemon_input = strtolower( ltrim( trim($_POST['pokemon']), '0') ); if( ! isset($pokemon_list[$pokemon_input]) && ! $tmp =...
  3. Creasy

    Banning Books

    Why not?
  4. Creasy


    That's why good JavaScript degrades gracefully. Image use considered harmful. :rolleyes: Everything depends on the client. Why aren't you criticizing CSS? Hahaha, oh wow. How could you possibly care about something so trivial and inconsequential?
  5. Creasy


    Uh, no. JavaScript is fine (and the only game in town, so it's a moot point). The OP's styleswitcher would ideally use JavaScript that degrades gracefully: <form action="" method="post"> <select name="style"> <option value="1">Default</option> </select> <input type="submit"...
  6. Creasy

    Are people fundamentally good or not?

    Acts are evil, not people. All societies share certain fundamental moral precepts. Just as colours can be perceived by anyone with proper vision, anyone who isn't mentally ill can intuit that causing pain is wrong. We didn't invent that value. It's biological, inherent, universal...
  7. Creasy


    $styles = array(1, 2, 3); in_array($_GET['style'], $styles) Slow, use $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']. $style_num = 1; if( ! empty($_COOKIE['style'])) { $style_num = (int) $_COOKIE['style']; } echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style' . $style_num . '.css" />' BTW, you should use...
  8. Creasy

    What's Visual Basic?

    > implying everyone compiles 100% of their code > implying well-documented libraries aren't important (lol @ lisp) > implying having others review and improve upon your code isn't crucial to software development safe_mode is there to protect the programmer from people who share his server.
  9. Creasy


  10. Creasy

    Banning Books

    "Public schools should ban no book." In other words: "The state should [be able to] give children open access to pornography, hate speech, suicide manuals, The Anarchist Cookbook, etc." (I agree with both phrasings.)
  11. Creasy

    What's Visual Basic?

    That same pathetic handful of programs is brought up in every Lisp debate. Amusingly, many were later rewritten in an "inferior" language (Paul Graham's precious Yahoo! Stores, Reddit, Jak & Daxter ...). I don't know or have any opinion on Haskell, but it clearly has little usage in the real...
  12. Creasy

    What's Visual Basic?

    The lack of namespaces sacrifices essentially nothing while adding simplicity. It isn't an obstacle outside the minds of ENTERPRIZE PROGRAMMERS who are desperately grasping for reasons to look down on the "unwashed" languages. "Would it have been really benefical if, like, PHP had been...
  13. Creasy

    What's Visual Basic?

    A better and generally more useful first language is PHP.
  14. Creasy

    Elegance -- Looking for Critique

    http://elegance.chanlu.org/index.php?id=profile&user=%27 Neat SQL injection. I was also allowed to register with every field blank. Tips: - Don't force me to register just to view a profile. - Don't demand I tell you my e-mail, country and date-of-birth just to register. - Nobody...
  15. Creasy

    Life after Death?

    And I was right. Why do we choose a over b? If there's a cause (and there always is), our "choice" was determined from the start. If there was no cause, our "choice" was random. Is this your idea of free will? I'm only certain that there's no good reason for anyone to believe in free will.
  16. Creasy


    Until a certain point (at least ~26 weeks), a fetus is biologically incapable of sentience and therefore the moral equal of a plant. I would draw the line there. Aborting it after that point is morally similar to killing an animal (wrong, IMO). Why? If your argument for abortion is that a...
  17. Creasy


    I don't understand how that line is ethically meaningful.
  18. Creasy

    Anonymous BBS software (PHP)

    The alpha version of ATBBS was released today. Features include: - Automatic account creation. ATBBS users can easily keep track of their post history, settings, watched topics, etc., without needing to manually register. - Zero chance of SQL injections. - MediaWiki-style syntax (em, strong...
  19. Creasy

    Life after Death?

    Our actions may be partially random, but that's hardly 'free will.'
  20. Creasy

    Life after Death?

    Unless the mind somehow transcends cause and effect, all 'choices' are the sum of circumstance and nothing more. Spontaneity is not found in nature.
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