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Search results

  1. Creasy

    Are planets living organisms?

    The Gaia hypothesis has existed longer than your preferred definition of "life," opaltiger. A similar point could be made against any superorganism.
  2. Creasy

    Life after Death?

    As shown repeatedly in the Bible, God's knowledge of the future is incomplete (see, e.g., 1 Samuel 15:11). You've got it backwards. Free will is incompatible with naturalism.
  3. Creasy

    Are planets living organisms?

    No sane person would claim that all planets are alive. Science cannot determine the meaning of a word. I don't care about this topic, but the definitions used by proponents of the Gaia hypothesis aren't hard to find. I'm mostly just disappointed to see such a clever idea dismissed as beyond...
  4. Creasy

    Are planets living organisms?

    No: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_hypothesis opaltiger and the others have only shown that the Earth doesn't meet one particular operational definition of "life". "Life" can reasonably be defined in other ways.
  5. Creasy

    Extradition of Roman Polanski

    He admitted to having sex with her, but not drugging or raping her.
  6. Creasy

    _Ditto_'s Scripting again, RUN! [forms]

    Butterfree's script is vulnerable to mail() injections. Please read this.
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