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Search results

  1. P

    Paratoopa's sprite shop =O

    Hii well I'm new, that's why you haven't seen me before. I've decided to open a shop here. Examples will be added as I get requests. So that's pretty much it. I do: Mixes Recolors Cybers Pillow shades Infernos Glows Revamps Reshades. So yeah heh that's pretty much it, request away =D
  2. P


    Thanks for the welcomes girls =D
  3. P

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    C+CC on my revamped Magneton from gold, shaded in my style.
  4. P


    Hi I'm Paratroopa, I can pretty much garentuee you won't know me from anywhere, I do go to some forums sometimes make a few sprites there, don't like the members so I go away. After going through quite a few sites, I stumbled upon this one. Before joining I watched it as a guest for about a week...
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