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Search results

  1. Anonyman

    Exam Results

    I direct you all here.
  2. Anonyman

    Exam Results

    I'm in (almost) all of the same classes as Mustardear, so this list should look pretty similar. These are much better than I thought they would be. Yay!
  3. Anonyman


    I really liked this film. Yes, the plot was a bit clichéd and trope-filled, but it seemed to work really well nonetheless, almost because it was so over-the-top. The effects were, needless to say, spectacular, and I came away marvelling at the scale and beauty of the whole thing.
  4. Anonyman

    What are you reading?

    1984 by George Orwell. Scary.
  5. Anonyman

    Wir sprechen Deutsch! (German Language Club)

    Seit vier Jahren lerne ich in die Schule Deutsch, und meiner Meinung nach ist ihn einer toller Sprach! Yes, the grammar's horrible, but the sentiment's there.
  6. Anonyman

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    Gyarados. When I first got into Pokémon, I was playing Crystal, and for some reason I didn't want to go into Ilex Forest. I needed something to do, so I decided to evolve my Magikarp and spent hours grinding in the little patch of grass near Azalea Town. The Gyarados that resulted ended up with...
  7. Anonyman

    The Most Forgotten Pokemon

    I was going to post something, but I forgot it. That's how forgettable insert-pokémon-here must be.
  8. Anonyman

    Pokémon badfic sporking community?

    Re: Pokémon badfic sporking community? Snark! Snark! Snark! Yay!
  9. Anonyman


    Yep, OOTS is still going. As well as OOTS, I read xkcd, Dinosaur Comics, Awkward Zombie and sometimes a little VGcats.
  10. Anonyman

    Any recemondations for a semi casual gamer? (Wii & DS)

    Butterfree's right to recommend the Ace Attorney games. My personal favourite DS game is The World Ends With You (a wonderfully plotted and innovative action RPG with great music, for those of you who don't know). Also, New Super Mario Bros. Wii truly is a must-buy, and World of Goo (WiiWare) is...
  11. Anonyman

    What Games Are You Playing?

    The World Ends With You on DS - trying to finish the Irregular Note set and bemoaning my lack of Scarletites.
  12. Anonyman

    How nerdy are you?

    <a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nt2.php"> <img src="http://www.nerdtests.com/images/badge/nt2/eabbc89ab17ed45a.png" alt="NerdTests.com says I'm a Kinda Dorky Nerd King. Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!"> </a> Sorry, couldn't...
  13. Anonyman

    Quite possibly the best example of bad writing.

    http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4731246/1/The_Bible Theology, meet Mr. von Hozel.
  14. Anonyman

    The Most Forgotten Pokemon

    Lotad's pretty forgettable. Also, Wingull.
  15. Anonyman

    Guten Tag!

    Herzlich willkommen, Herr Senfohr! Yeah, hi.
  16. Anonyman

    Hi, people!

    *takes tea as well* Thanks! I feel very welcome!
  17. Anonyman

    Hi, people!

    I actually stole the name from a friend of mine - I think that he's here somewhere, probably under the name Mustardear. *takes cod* Tasty!
  18. Anonyman

    Hi, people!

    Hi! I'm new here and wanted to say hi, but can't really think of much to say about myself. Anyway, hello everyone!
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