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Search results

  1. Legos

    BlackTitress vs. Legos

    Sorry, didn't see that it was my turn until now. Ok, let's paralyze it again with another Thunder Wave. If you miss, try again. If it hits on the first turn, Chill on the second, and then Snarl again. Thunder Wave ~ Thunder Wave/Chill ~ Snarl
  2. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Ok. Start of with another Captivate (and please try not to move to touch those spikes). Then Chill or Captivate again if you failed the first time. Finish off with a Discharge. And yes, I know you're weak on energy but try and give it your all, ok? Captivate ~ Captivate/Chill ~ Discharge
  3. Legos

    Haha nice X) Yeah, Oomph! is a rather awesome band, though little known. This probably has...

    Haha nice X) Yeah, Oomph! is a rather awesome band, though little known. This probably has something to do with that they're a German band... Though most of the songs are in English. :P
  4. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Yes... Good girl, Calypso. You're probably going to faitn from energy loss here in a bit, but let's try and get as much damage on the thing for whoever comes next. Chill, then hit it with a Thunder Wave. Old times, eh? Finish with a Captivate to lower it's special attack, or Thunder Wave if...
  5. Legos

    ...Yes... Your move.

    ...Yes... Your move.
  6. Legos

    BlackTitress vs. Legos

    It's ok, it's not that big of a deal I guess.
  7. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    We're almost there. I know you can do it. Start with another Fire Fang, and then just Chill for the last two turns. If he goes for a Destiny Bond, Chill on the first turn and attack on the second instead. Fire Fang/Chill ~ Chill/Fire Fang ~ Chill
  8. Legos

    BlackTitress vs. Legos

    You're better than I am. Start off with a Snarl, then Howl and finish with another Night Slash. Snarl ~ Howl ~ Night Slash
  9. Legos

    So you're a demon now. Oh joy.

    So you're a demon now. Oh joy.
  10. Legos

    Sometimes you scare me.

    Sometimes you scare me.
  11. Legos

    That's encouraging...

    That's encouraging...
  12. Legos

    I thought it was pretty funny/cute myself, I just hope it doesn't become too prophetic...

    I thought it was pretty funny/cute myself, I just hope it doesn't become too prophetic...
  13. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Frickfrickfrickfrickfrickfrick Ok. So you're getting closer to dying. But with the posion and all, he's closer than you are. Keep up your faith, you can do this! ...And I'm going to let you continue on getting beat up, 'cause you've gotta Chill. Sorry. Then Fire Fang. Try for a burn, if you...
  14. Legos

    You'll have to get your revenge later, Glenn's getting the heck outta there...

    You'll have to get your revenge later, Glenn's getting the heck outta there...
  15. Legos

    Yeah I've been kind of slipping into more metal-ish music, stuff like Slipknot and Oomph! It's...

    Yeah I've been kind of slipping into more metal-ish music, stuff like Slipknot and Oomph! It's starting to grow on me.
  16. Legos

    Haha it's fine, take you time. :) I really didn't mean to pressure you or anything. Your writing...

    Haha it's fine, take you time. :) I really didn't mean to pressure you or anything. Your writing is worth waiting for.
  17. Legos

    ...You used the "F" word. I am ashamed of you. And it seemed appropriate at the time. Also...

    ...You used the "F" word. I am ashamed of you. And it seemed appropriate at the time. Also, Glenn is kind of stuck until Suijin says something. Don't want to knock him off on the ground or anything.
  18. Legos


  19. Legos

    The more mainstream stuff I listen to are bands like Skillet, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin...

    The more mainstream stuff I listen to are bands like Skillet, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, Within Temptation, Depeche Mode, just to name a few. :P
  20. Legos

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Can prove that they exist.
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