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Search results

  1. Legos

    Tell Me Something That's...

    Truth. Tell me something that wins.
  2. Legos

    Answer A Question With A Question

    Why were you paying attention?
  3. Legos

    Association Game III

  4. Legos

    You are automatically awesome yourself for having recognized the fact! :D

    You are automatically awesome yourself for having recognized the fact! :D
  5. Legos

    Sounds good to me. :)

    Sounds good to me. :)
  6. Legos

    BlackTitress vs. Legos

    You really are becomming quite the little seductress, aren't you Calypso? Start off with Attracting until it hits. If it hits the first turn, Discharge on the second and Night Slash once you're on the ground. Attract ~ Attract/Discharge ~ Attract/Night Slash
  7. Legos

    ...Oh. I even read your post about five times before writing mine to make sure I didn't miss...

    ...Oh. I even read your post about five times before writing mine to make sure I didn't miss something and that still slipped through. I feel stupid. >.>; I'll edit ASAP, sorry.
  8. Legos

    BlackTitress vs. Legos

    Sorry for the late post, I should definitely be replying faster from now on. Ok, pretty much the same as last round except Signal Beam instead of Crunch. So Attract, Captivate, Signal Beam. And for the love of existence please listen to me, Calypso. If you managed to hit on all of these there...
  9. Legos

    BlackTitress vs. Legos

    Ok. We can get through this. Since he is a guy, Attract him. Then Captivate or Attract again if it didn't hit. Finish with a Crunch. Attract ~ Attract/Captivate ~ Crunch
  10. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Take a rest, Calypso. You've worked hard and it's paying off. Use what energy you have left to pull of another Attract, then Chill, and Chill. Let the poison and the thing's inability to move do its work. Attract ~ Chill ~ Chill
  11. Legos

    BlackTitress vs. Legos

    Alrighty. Start up with a Thunder Wave, then Signal Beam it for some good damage. Finish with a Toxic. Thunder Wave ~ Signal Beam ~ Toxic
  12. Legos

    BlackTitress vs. Legos

    Ok, then, come on out Calypso.
  13. Legos

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take this!
  14. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Kill it. Kill it NOW. USE YOUR ANGER. Frustration, then Signal Beam or Frustration if it missed or he protected. And then Signal Beam again. If you fall asleep, you know what to do - Sleep Talk. Frustration ~ Frustration/Signal Beam/Sleep Talk ~ Signal Beam/Sleep Talk
  15. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Must suppress evil laughter... Thunder Wave to go ahead and add paralysis back to the mix, Signal Beam and Chill. Just hope that it's immobilized somehow for synthesis, and if you fall asleep just Chill. Thunder Wave ~ Signal Beam/Chill ~ Chill
  16. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Ok. Well, that didn't work out as planned but luck got us through, should have put a conditional... Go ahead and Attract, Chill, and another Signal Beam. If you are put to sleep use Sleep Talk instead of Signal Beam, and if he protects on either of your attacks just Chill. Attract/Chill~...
  17. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Isn't it my turn next?
  18. Legos

    Attacks are up... My poor Shinx is going to die... I know what you mean though, I have to keep...

    Attacks are up... My poor Shinx is going to die... I know what you mean though, I have to keep reminding myself that it's ok if I lose.
  19. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Let's put our luck to the test... Signal Beam to get some good damage on it, Snarl to get the Special Attack lowered again, and Sleep Talk after you're asleep. This should be fun. Signal Beam ~ Snarl ~ Sleep Talk
  20. Legos

    Reffing is up, it is your turn good sir.

    Reffing is up, it is your turn good sir.
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