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Search results

  1. Legos

    Moves are up, and don't count on it - Calypso's not doing so hot either.

    Moves are up, and don't count on it - Calypso's not doing so hot either.
  2. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Ok then, let's keep it going. Chill on the first turn to gain back some energy, Howl to boost your attack and then Signal Beam again. Chill ~ Howl ~ Signal Beam
  3. Legos

    Moves are up. Yeah I was wondering why you sent out Cacnea as well, both Ratatta and Nidoran...

    Moves are up. Yeah I was wondering why you sent out Cacnea as well, both Ratatta and Nidoran learn Dig so I was assuming you would send out them.
  4. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Ok. We've got this. Toxic it to get some continous damage, Captivate to lower its Special Attack against the oncoming Faint Attack, and finish with another Signal Beam. Next time we'll probably have to do some chilling, but for now just try to push through the hits ok? Toxic ~ Captivate ~...
  5. Legos

    Posted my moves, and curse you for your luck.

    Posted my moves, and curse you for your luck.
  6. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    ...Frick. Alrighty then, Double Team, Ice Fang and Signal Beam. If any of those don't work for whatever reason, chill. Double Team/Chill ~ Ice Fang/Chill ~ Signal Beam/Chill
  7. Legos

    My attacks are up as well, and now we wait..

    My attacks are up as well, and now we wait..
  8. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Ok, go ahead and try to paralyze it with Thunder Wave, then Protect against the nasty leech seed and attack it with a Fire Fang. Thunder Wave ~ Protect ~ Fire Fang
  9. Legos

    SomeGuy vs Legos

    Ok then, let's go Calypso! ...The rhyme was unintended.
  10. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Nodding, Delilah instructed Emerald to fly, and soon they were on the way towards to other location. "Emer, use Tailwind," Delilah said after a brief period, realizing that Abyss would probably be happier if they were moving as fast as possible. The Salamence grunted and whipped up a huge gust...
  11. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Delilah sent out Emer quickly, hopping on the dragon's back and looking at Abyss. "What we where trying to steal is not here. I'm going back to confront Deiros, and I can drop you off with Luzetta if you wish. Or you can stay here. It's your choice."
  12. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    (Does Blade still have the Griseous Orb?) Delilah frowned with something akin to concern as she hear the raw emotion in Abyss's voice, so unlike him... "Are you ok?" she asked immediately, worried about the state of the Gengar morph, he wasn't taking this betrayal well.
  13. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    (and it went back up early, thank goodness, sorry again) Delilah frowned at what she had learned from Blade. There was certainly something going on here, something she didn't like. She turned towards Abyss and proceeded to tell him everything she had learned from Blade. "Do you know anything...
  14. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    (sorry about the wait, my internet has gone kaput until thursday and I won't be able to reply until then, barely managed to get on to tell you guys this)
  15. Legos

    Yep. Main reason why I accepted, at least we're on equal ground as far as experience...

    Yep. Main reason why I accepted, at least we're on equal ground as far as experience...
  16. Legos

    The Challenge Board

    I will take this... First battle, whoot.
  17. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Same," Delilah said, then frowned. Something was... Off. "Isn't this thing we're stealing supposed to be an extremely powerful artifact that connects to a legendary Pokemon? Shouldn't we be, I don't know... Feeling something from it? Something doesn't feel right." A movement caught her...
  18. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Delilah finished up with her side of the complex quickly and efficiently, and soon was approaching the entrance she was supposed to be meeting Abyss at. While doing so she had though about their mission, recalling vaguely a story about the items they where stealing. A long time ago a Team...
  19. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "I'll take the east, then," Delilah said with the same nonchalance, before looking at Abyss a mischievously out of the corner of her eye. "Bet I can take out my side and be at our entrance before you can." And then she was gone, supressing laughter as she raced through the trees, invisible to...
  20. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Being a dark-type, Delilah could see Abyss as well as blend into the shadows quite naturally herself. Not that she needed it, with her ability. "So, you want to take out the guards on the east or west side?" she asked jokingly.
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