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Search results

  1. U

    The Most Forgotten Pokemon

    Any Pokemon not mentioned in this thread. ;P But yeah, I reckon Spinda is pretty much unknown. One route, as a swarm, and it's a crap Pokemon anyway.
  2. U

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    I still get confused by Gardenia. Yes, she's a girl, but it's hard to tell with the cloak, as the only big difference between non-manly male and non-girly female characters is the size of their chests...and the cloak covers it up. Oh, and Bugsy is basically the reverse, except he's young and...
  3. U

    Magikarp Thoughts

    The original Pokedex (the book) actually said that Magikarp was once the mightiest of all Pokemon, but lost all its powers over time. But yeah, the thing's based off "The Dragon Gate" of mythology.
  4. U


    ... ... Phew...cooked right down to patties... I bet you were expecting a stupid Red reference, weren't you? Tee-hee. Hi I'm ungulateman (well, that's a bit obvious, but nobody cares if I type this HEY A DELICIOUS BANANA) and I'm most likely the newest poster on this forum as I type. Before...
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