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Search results

  1. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    I'm glad that you're on right now! :) But I'm really cold at the moment :(

    I'm glad that you're on right now! :) But I'm really cold at the moment :(
  2. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    ^ What do you mean? Care to elaborate? What parts of a woman/man do you find most attractive?
  3. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    With lips like that you can pimp me all that you want:grin:
  4. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    Interesting. People say I can scream sing very well. At least, those who consider it singing.
  5. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hey sorry I logged off immediatly yesterday, smexy. Anyway, I could not go check the books...

    Hey sorry I logged off immediatly yesterday, smexy. Anyway, I could not go check the books out... which was sad. I felt really sick. The good news... I had some fun with my dearest brother Alexis :D
  6. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Songs that would make a grown man cry

    Hurt by Nine Inch Nails
  7. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    Hello there. Have fun and post.
  8. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    what areas are you talented in?
  9. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    I still want my license though...
  10. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hey smexy!

    Hey smexy!
  11. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hey there.

    Hey there.
  12. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    Sounds like such a grand nickname :grin:
  13. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Deeeep dreaaams!!

    ^ What is it telling you?
  14. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Well, Alexis and I are going to...rest. yes, let´s go with that. Good evening! Hope to speak...

    Well, Alexis and I are going to...rest. yes, let´s go with that. Good evening! Hope to speak with you tomorrow!
  15. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    the flames begin to burn...

    I can do so much more than that...:grin:
  16. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Deeeep dreaaams!!

    ^ Those dreams are usually about a loss of friendship (according to some books).
  17. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Deeeep dreaaams!!

    ^ As most books. I never have nightmares, not that my reguar dreams are grea. What a bore.
  18. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Deeeep dreaaams!!

    ^ 555 deal? You should look into a dream interpretation book.
  19. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    ^ It is a fair name, and not just because it reminds me of Alexis ha ha...
  20. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    ^ Yet? *suspense lingers in the air*
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