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Search results

  1. demonickittens

    Skylark vs. demonickittens

    Hell, this is a loss but I will try to do as much damage as possible. Night Angel abuse your speed and use focus punch at all times beat it into submission. Focus Punchx3
  2. demonickittens

    The Metronome Contest

    The person suited for this hand is Night Angel my silent assassin. [Night Angel]sneasel(f) ability:Inner Focus First the lights should be set from 50 to 25 percent of normal. Then use Mist to put a nice strong, well mist out. With the lights kind of making it hazy and ominous use comet punch...
  3. demonickittens

    The Metronome Contest

    Here goes nothing. Profile
  4. demonickittens

    [CLOSED] The Mirrormen vs the Undead: Cult Wars

    Re: The Mirrormen vs the Undead: Cult Wars What happens if a mirrorman targets an undead? But yeah in.
  5. demonickittens

    The Birthday Center

    Because people are posting birthdays, mine is February 29. Will I be allowed to celebrate this every year or once every four years?
  6. demonickittens

    [NIGHT 3] Confused PokeMafia

    Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia come on this is not going anywhere. I targeted Jack last night and came up with nothing. we need to do something or the pikachu clan will win. I nominate Manic Fame. Screw doing nothing.
  7. demonickittens

    Skylark vs. demonickittens

    Night Angel nice job, you did very good. Remind me to get you an egg, once this is over. Now commands, that turtle is sitting in the water again. She shouldn't be swimming in such bad weather. First use Whirlpool to keep her on her toes. Then use swift to knock her around a little. Then use dark...
  8. demonickittens

    [NIGHT 3] Confused PokeMafia

    Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia Manic Fame
  9. demonickittens


    Re: ATTACK OF THE MIRRORMEN Nemic Due to lack of time you hit the top of my suspicious list. Respond now
  10. demonickittens

    [NIGHT 3] Confused PokeMafia

    Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia Demonickittens
  11. demonickittens

    [GAME OVER] Super Random Mafia Game [ALIEN WIN]

    Re: [DAY 1] Super Random Mafia Game Not good, anyone got any leads?
  12. demonickittens

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [Day 1] Bandwagons for everyone! Abstain
  13. demonickittens

    TF2 Mafia Match [Day 3]

    Re: TF2 Mafia Match [Day 2] That makes sense. Now we have the fight of who to lynch. Just saying Werefish5 seems BLU.
  14. demonickittens

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [Day 1] Not helpful first day pains. So who wants to abstain first?
  15. demonickittens

    TF2 Mafia Match [Day 3]

    Re: TF2 Mafia Match [Day 2] In the spirit of mafia. Something doesn't seem right about werefish5. They only posted once to jump on the bandwagon. This is just a hunch, but something seems bluish about them. Just run with me here.
  16. demonickittens

    TF2 Mafia Match [Day 3]

    Re: TF2 Mafia Match [Day 2] Well nice job pyro nice aiming. But Mawile got killed too but one for one. Now about suspects anybody got any Ideas?
  17. demonickittens

    Bank of TCoD

    Collecting the allowance. 3+6=9
  18. demonickittens

    The Isshu Expedition

    Would like to reserve a Monozu for free please. [Níðhöggr]Monozu(m)
  19. demonickittens


    Re: ATTACK OF THE MIRRORMEN Well due to lack of leads abstaining for now. Somebody come up with something please.
  20. demonickittens

    TF2 Mafia Match [Day 3]

    Re: TF2 Mafia Match [Day 1] This is getting interesting. To abstain or not to abstain that is the question? Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arr-*shot*. This brings up a valid point. Now time to dissect these post. Then all vote to kill someone, then pussy out at the...
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