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Search results

  1. demonickittens

    Bank of TCoD

  2. demonickittens

    [insert cool Maximum Ride reference here] Mafia game

    So other people read this. I'm game sign me up! This ought to be good.
  3. demonickittens

    Skylark vs. demonickittens

    Ok this is to be expected Night Angel first use substitute(15%). Then If you still have the substitute use Crush claw if your substitute is gone use protect. After that use Iron tail Substitute~Crush claw/Protect~Iron tail
  4. demonickittens

    Skylark vs. demonickittens

    Time to go Night Angel good luck.
  5. demonickittens

    The Challenge Board

    Why not Also I assume that the rain gives the standard rain boost magical link to profile
  6. demonickittens

    The Challenge Board

    Format-- 3v3 single DQ time-- 10 days Damage Cap-- 35% Banned Moves OHKOs and weather moves Restricted Moves 3 chills per pokemon Arena Description-- white water rapids in the winter The battle takes place near a river that is known for it's white water rapids. Now during the winter it moves...
  7. demonickittens

    Profile Archive

    money:--$3 Totodile [Set]Totodile(m) ability:Torrent exp 0 Sneasel-f [Night Angel]Sneasel(f) ability:Inner Focus exp 0 Magnemite []Magnemite(?) ability: Magnet Pull exp 0 Meowth [Billy]Meowth(m) ability: Technician exp 0 approval win- 0 loss- 0 draw- 0 items none
  8. demonickittens

    Bank of TCoD

    buying team 45-45=0 http://forums.dragonflycave.com/showpost.php?p=414694&postcount=2829
  9. demonickittens

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Set]Totodile(m) ability:Torrent [Night Angel]Sneasel(f) ability:Inner Focus []Magnemite(?) ability: Magnet Pull [Billy]Meowth(m) ability: Technician http://forums.dragonflycave.com/showpost.php?p=414695&postcount=3255
  10. demonickittens

    Sault! no really hello

    Explosion somewhat Superbird sure some coffee and salmon would be nice and yes I speak french
  11. demonickittens

    Bank of TCoD

    Account please
  12. demonickittens

    Sault! no really hello

    K thanks Mawile I will be sure to check that out.
  13. demonickittens

    Sault! no really hello

    well this is my first post. I've been on TCoD before and somewhat knew of the forums. But now I am here, post here and with luck I will get back to you. Demonickittens
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