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Search results

  1. I

    Requests Open Indigo's Banner Shop

    I've got some knowledge with photoshop, and I've done requests on another forum, so I figure, why not open a shop? =P Examples: Request Form: Text: (What do you want the banner to say?) Picture(s): (Any pictures you want me to use) Description: (Give a general description, or if you...
  2. I

    The Assassination Society [OOC/Sign-ups]

    The Story There was once a time when harmony was evident in the life of every pokemon. It was a time of peace, and prosperity for all. But such times never last long. One night, a young eevee was found dead. The cause of death was ultimately decided to be a gash on the eevee's neck, however...
  3. I

    Requests Open Banner and Icon Set Shop

    I want to request an avvy. Like my name says, could you get a fox's head, make it like, cartoony, and then split it in two so that one half is all evil and demonic, and the other is all cutsie and angelic? Thanks!
  4. I

    The Lost Days [OOC/Sign-Ups]

    Name: Gabby Malay Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Vulpix Ability: Flash Fire Appearance: Gabby is not much different from any other vulpix. Same small body, same colored fur, for the most part, and the same eyes. Only two things set her apart from any other vulpix. The first, is that the fur on...
  5. I


    Hai everyone! I just registered for the site and I saw that there was an introductions page and I was like, "*gasp* I have to post there," so now here I am, posting... hai... :P
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