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Search results

  1. Kakuna

    How good are my drawings?

    I'll do that from now on.
  2. Kakuna

    How good are my drawings?

    ah.....yea. that would be better.
  3. Kakuna

    How good are my drawings?

    jeez, it wont work. can you right click it and choose "open image in new tab"?
  4. Kakuna

    How good are my drawings?

    First pair of pokemon i drew just for this. Two water pokemon, not colored. i don't really like to color.
  5. Kakuna

    How good are my drawings?

    So of course, i like to draw. Mainly pokemon, but i haven't really shown them to anyone. I want some honest opinions, to see where i could improve, and what else i should change. So tell me...how good are my drawings? Hold on till i get some drawings up.
  6. Kakuna

    Howz ya doin? This is me, Kakuna. Whoop-a-dee-do!

    Howz ya doin? This is me, Kakuna. Whoop-a-dee-do!
  7. Kakuna


    Thank you, and no, not New York! not even close :)
  8. Kakuna


    Yes, i introduce myself with "Yazla" It's just a made up word i made which i now use as hello. Any-who, my name is Kakuna because that's my Zodiac Pokemon. yep. June 18th. Reign of Ho-oh, season of fire. although right now my house is about 50 degrees right now, so i don't feel so fiery :P. The...
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