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Search results

  1. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Aige stared at Prim and the 'man' on her back. "Aige," she said finally. "I don't think I can catch your drift, I'm a stone, so I tend to sink." The Roggenrola stifled a laugh. "That's a joke. I think that beating around the bush would cause more confusion than anything- you three are with the...
  2. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "First time?" Aige repeated, looking the Beldum over. "That's ok. This is like my... fifth time or so." The Roggenrola paused. "Mind if I ask what you all are doing here? I have my own guesses, but it's better to hear it from the source. You know what they say about holding all your cards!" In...
  3. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    "Maybe we don't need to," Aige replied thoughtfully, "I mean on both counts." The Roggenrola met Koa's eyes, even if he couldn't tell. "We don't need to keep secrets, and we don't need to have everyone's explicit help. Not that it wouldn't help a lot though!" "Gauging the enemy is crucial,"...
  4. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    Aige stared at Koa, trying to envision a human. "The only thing that pins you as a human is your declaration of such. The onus of trust in this case however falls upon those who would choose to believe you and act accordingly. They trust that you aren't lying such that they can use your status...
  5. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    Aige wished she could convey herself more effectively through expressions. "I've never heard of those places, but at risk of repeating myself, I can't claim to know every town and country on the planet. As for humans though..." The Roggenrola tilted from side to side. "Haven't a clue about...
  6. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    "I just said I didn't know if he was related, not if he was," Aige said, "He may be hiding something, and he might not. Beyond that, it's not immediately a bad thing if that means he's lying about something. But that's neither here nor there." The Roggenrola looked at Koa. "So my world is like...
  7. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    Aige was silent, deep in thought. "Huh, I guess it's not completely strange for names to match up. I think we're just matching up in a few odd instances, because the ministry reveres Reshiram, but Zekrom is the name of one of the head ministers. Actually um, now that I think about it, he used...
  8. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    "Wow, that's something to think about," Aige said, mentally trying to grasp Ho-oh's size. "So, 'keep the balance' and 'guardians'..." The Roggenrola perked up. "Would you say it's sort of like a religion? Not to imply that it is per say, but it sort of strikes as a similar concept." "I don't...
  9. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    "Hm, I don't think I've heard any of that," Aige said apologetically. "As far as I know, the world... my world at least, takes care of itself. Although, thinking about it, I feel like I've heard the name Ho-oh in the past." The Roggenrola rocked back and forth slowly. "That's right, I'm pretty...
  10. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    Aige listened intently, noting Koa's slight change in demeanor. "That makes sense, and I agree with your assessment," the Roggenrola replied, "Although, I don't know what you mean by 'legendary' pokemon. Is that meant in terms of status like a celebrity?" "As for your second point, I think...
  11. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    "That's good," Aige said approvingly. There was no way to tell if she had ignored Koa's curtness. "I just think it's important to be vigilant about things- so ignore me if I repeat myself." "Anyway, there's a lot taken for granted in our situation," the Roggenrola continued thoughtfully, "But...
  12. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    "I ended up with a few others a little ways out from town," Aige said, sliding her hat off for a moment. "We ran into a camp of... bandits. They were certainly nice enough- and not coordinated enough to be too much of a threat, at least in my opinion." The Roggenrola was silent. "Their leader...
  13. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

    Aige stared up at the rows of bottles, jerking backwards slightly to tilt her hat up. She had never been one to drink in the past; now she was more curious about if she could somehow drink. Last time she had been a Roggenrola, she was too young to think too hard about it. After having wandered...
  14. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    "They left us, as was their right to do so," Aige said, watching the arguing warily. The Roggenrola hummed. "What's done is done. We can argue forever about what we should or could have done, no?" Staring out over the scrubland, Aige balanced on one foot. "For bandits, or whatever they were...
  15. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    Aige was a little glad that they had been abandoned when she woke up. Sitting up, she watched Lavender as he addressed the others. "I agree that it's good to get going," she called, "Though I don't think we need to be so rough going about it." The Roggenrola walked over to the rest of the...
  16. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    At the end of the day, Aige briefly entertained the notion that the "help" they had all been summoned for was a euphemism for housekeeping and that they were saviors of a nation of hoarders. The Roggenrola simply fell flat on her back with no fanfare, what she lay on made little difference. An...
  17. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    "Trial by combat?" Aige was annoyed, but had no avenue to show it. "Outdated for sure- but romantic. Not that I'm interested." The Roggenrola hesitated. "Although, proving yourself with your strength is a nice way to place yourself above reproach," she said, a little quieter. "Anyway," she...
  18. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    "Really anyone with teeth or a mouth can be a bloodsucker if they want," Aige said, looking at Rodion. "Not that I wouldn't prefer it to be just a misunderstanding, but you never know what some pokemon do for fun." The Roggenrola kicked some sand with a foot, turning to Hob. "As for the Escarpa...
  19. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    What exactly am I expected to do? Aige thought, looking at the assortment. There were many similar accessories back home, but they didn't exactly fit her either. "Function over form," she muttered to herself. "Just... any function at all." There was little point to the pouches which all...
  20. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Las Picaras Bandit Camp

    The Roggenrola leaned forward, as if to nod. "I'm Aige," she said, following Rodion and Silver's lead. Though she still couldn't be sure of the rest of the group's interests, it was best to stick around them since they were all sent together.
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