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Search results

  1. ?

    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    ok you know what everyone 24 hour extension to continue the talking and also vote to lynch someone/abstain!
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    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    note to anyone and everyone: If you would like me to tell/remind you who you targeted each night, I can do that if you PM me about it! (now resume mafiaing)
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    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    (ok sorry for the late response!!) Another day, another roll call. This time it's like kind of worse though? You all decide to count and recount and recount until you all settle on a solid number. That number is ten. A nice even number, for sure, but not really. Honestly you all would have...
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    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    Nobody was lynched today because, again, Eifie doesn't even go here. (PS you guys should lynch people it's more fun that way!!) 48 hours for night actions.
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    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    wait crap it hasn't been 24 hours i thought it was. Just leave it, I guess, I mean nearly everyone got their actions in?? (I will be more on the ball from now on ;-;)
  6. ?

    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    Another morning comes, and the residents of whatever hellhole this is have all gathered in a circle. They do the ritualistic Counting Of The Mafia Games only to discover that they are one person short! After going through all the houses in reverse numerical order, they determine that Superbird...
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    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    extra like 24 hours added to the night phase or something because I am a busy person!
  8. ?

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I finally got my wifi working at college!!
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    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    lynching negrek is not possible because negrek is not a Mafia Game! so you all decided to lynch no one today. 48 hours for night actions. (ps i'm posting from my phone so that's why this is so short)
  10. ?

    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    (ok it still says night 0 but ignore that turns out i can't edit the title)
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    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    After a quiet yet completely hectic night, all the townspeople/town Mafia Games wake up! Well, all except one. After a very careful count, you all find out that one of your own is missing! And that one is JackPK. After deciding to rifle through his entire house, you... can't really determine...
  12. ?

    [NIGHT 0] Mafia Choice Mafia

    Night falls upon a peaceful town of Mafia Games. Well, it's probably not so peaceful, now that I think about it. It's a town full of sentient Mafia Games (with two capital letters!!) who are ALL ABOUT KILLING EACH OTHER. I mean, that is the whole point of Mafia, after all. Killing all the bad...
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    [CLOSED] Mafia Choice Mafia (Wait, what?)

    All PMs have been sent!
  14. ?

    [CLOSED] Mafia Choice Mafia (Wait, what?)

    Re: [OPEN] Mafia Choice Mafia (Wait, what?) Alright, so with 14 players I'm going to consider this game closed. I'll send out role PMs in the next day or two and then start the game once everyone has gotten theirs.
  15. ?

    No problem, and yeah, just with a different name this time around.

    No problem, and yeah, just with a different name this time around.
  16. ?

    hey so someone already took Capitalist Democracy mafia so you'll need to change your choice...

    hey so someone already took Capitalist Democracy mafia so you'll need to change your choice, sorry :x There's plenty of other interesting ones to choose from though!
  17. ?

    [CLOSED] Mafia Choice Mafia (Wait, what?)

    Re: [OPEN] Mafia Choice Mafia (Wait, what?) Sorry, but sanderidge already took Capitalist Democracy Mafia :x Feel free to choose a different one, though! Also I'll leave this open for a day or two more in case anyone else wants to join!
  18. ?

    hey so VM changed his choice mafia choice, so did you want Sprites!Mafia instead now that it's open?

    hey so VM changed his choice mafia choice, so did you want Sprites!Mafia instead now that it's open?
  19. ?

    [CLOSED] Mafia Choice Mafia (Wait, what?)

    Re: [OPEN] Mafia Choice Mafia (Wait, what?) I'll update my spreadsheet accordingly and let ILS know. Sure, may as well. Also you guys should probably hit "join" up at the top, haha.
  20. ?

    [CLOSED] Mafia Choice Mafia (Wait, what?)

    Re: [OPEN] Mafia Choice Mafia (Wait, what?) Yeah you're fine to change games this early, as long as you guys post about it instead of making edits from now on.
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