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Search results

  1. Mendatt

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    It's a little bit past the one-month anniversary of the last time this is reffed, so unless Karkat does, in fact, ref this, I'm just going to stick it in here and hope someone picks it up.
  2. Mendatt

    SomeGuy vs. Mendatt

    For a second there I thought you had finished the reffing. How silly of me. Anyways, are you sure? I can't see any.
  3. Mendatt

    Mendatt vs. Coloursfall

    Re: Mendatt vs. Coloursfall (Ref: Mai) Hmm. Eidolon, you're awesome. You can go first. Signature Attribute: Swordfighter Eidolon is not an average riolu, for one reason and one reason alone: He has a sword. He was born in Iron Mountain, which is an ancient cavern on an island, and where...
  4. Mendatt


    I believe you're talking about a NOT gate.
  5. Mendatt

    [11] blazheirio889 vs Mendatt (ref: Byrus)

    Indeed it was. Eh, usually not a fan of fighting types either. It's just that Riolu's so dang cute. Anyhow, yeah, that would be fun. It was quite enjoyable battling you. Hmm. I can't decide whether to use the money from this battle to get Guess a sun stone, or to evolve my Kricketot.
  6. Mendatt

    ASB Awards 2011

    Does anyone else think that Meowth's Meowth's attribute has got Best Signature Attribute in the bag? Because it does. Obviously.
  7. Mendatt

    Why not?

    Why not?
  8. Mendatt


    ... I actually killed all of the bosses over and over, got bored of the Aether mod, and switched back to regular minecraft shortly before finding myself an awesome server. Redstone repeaters combined with pistons/TNT can be quite useful when making absurdly complicated contraptions.
  9. Mendatt

    Open Tides Under Siege

    We're in the ocean, for Kyogre's sake! "One!" Well, I guess all we can do is hope that the net absorbs most of the charge, otherwise we're all fried... "Two!" Of course the net's going to absorb all of the charge, Angel may be a horrible diplomat but he's good at this sort of thing, he wouldn't...
  10. Mendatt

    ... I'm just going to get an emergency ref.

    ... I'm just going to get an emergency ref.
  11. Mendatt

    [11] blazheirio889 vs Mendatt (ref: Byrus)

    ... Yeah I can't even think of anything I can do at this point. However, I believe that Blizzard technically can miss, since hail merely increases it's accuracy to 100%... Which is an interesting piece of trivia and rather useless at this point... Anyhow... Where was I... Oh yes, Giga drain x3...
  12. Mendatt


  13. Mendatt


  14. Mendatt

    The Birthday Center

    Here, Zora, have a thingy.
  15. Mendatt

    The Birthday Center

    Would ye supply a wishlist?
  16. Mendatt

    AniChoice Mafia 2 [DAY 3]

    Re: AniChoice Mafia 2 [DAY 2] ... Strange?..
  17. Mendatt

    Poke o.o

    Poke o.o
  18. Mendatt

    [11] blazheirio889 vs Mendatt (ref: Byrus)

    Or that they would both wait for the other to move, which neither would do, therefore preventing either from doing anything on that action.
  19. Mendatt


  20. Mendatt

    [11] blazheirio889 vs Mendatt (ref: Byrus)

    That... Basically relies upon what Guess concludes after viewing Yukianesa do nothing.
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