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Search results

  1. Automata heart

    I found a free bike

    DO IT!!!!!
  2. Automata heart

    yo. i'm going to be at chartwell tomorrow if you wana get together. just text me.

    yo. i'm going to be at chartwell tomorrow if you wana get together. just text me.
  3. Automata heart

    I found a free bike

    Mum and i were driving along and there it was with a "free to a good home" sign on it. its a cute red bike with a very low bar so i can wear my skirts on it, and it has one of those things for saddle bags. so i'm pretty stoked.
  4. Automata heart

    Ethical Systems?

    be kind to one another, don't be an asshole, and don't kill people.
  5. Automata heart

    you write some awesome poems.

    you write some awesome poems.
  6. Automata heart

    Excited by Small Things

    when i discovered, (on pearl) if you talk you lucus's little sister she tells you where you can get pokemon. (after playing the same game since 2007.)
  7. Automata heart


    you know, i think this is a pretty good movement. woman aren't being seen as lower through it, and its not as if its reversing all the work woman have put in for equal rights. i can't see anything wrong with it. maybe its time for this. it could be time for men to take "being manly" back and...
  8. Automata heart


  9. Automata heart

    The Black Butler fan club!

    Amen!!! ceil is sooooooooo cute.
  10. Automata heart

    Red or Green Apples

    i love crunchy red apples. i can't stand floury apples. green ones are okay though.
  11. Automata heart

    What's Outside Your Window?

    garden, a little path and more garden. and rain. the wind is gusting around here in nu zooland. and a magnolia tree, this purple flower i cant name and grass.
  12. Automata heart


    i cook pretty well. mostly stuff that's fast to make and easy to eat. most stuff i cook ends up tasting pretty good.
  13. Automata heart

    zero punctuation reviewed pokemon white...

    zero punctuation reviewed pokemon white!!! http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/3008-Pokemon-White
  14. Automata heart

    What Games Are You Playing?

    (DS) Inuyasha secrets of the sacred jewel (or something like that) and doing very badly. been walking for what the game tells me is a few months and i am lost.
  15. Automata heart

    last night i defeated the whole elite four and the champion with one pokemon!!!

    last night i defeated the whole elite four and the champion with one pokemon!!!
  16. Automata heart

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    me. i took a bunch of pics with the frame. this is my fave.
  17. Automata heart

    hi! sup?

    hi! sup?
  18. Automata heart

    i love love love love love love your pic!!! grell is super awesome!!! love, sakura-chan

    i love love love love love love your pic!!! grell is super awesome!!! love, sakura-chan
  19. Automata heart

    please call me when you get this....plz?

    please call me when you get this....plz?
  20. Automata heart

    ima kidnap you tomorrow.

    ima kidnap you tomorrow.
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