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Search results

  1. bobbyjkl


    My girlfriend goes by Chucho on the forums. :D
  2. bobbyjkl

    This is a cool rpg and you should join it.

    It's a game like ForumWarz where we pretend to troll it. It's all in a controlled enviroment, and it's perfectly fine. There are 5 of us playing right now. Feel free to join us! EDIT: There are two sides, white hats and black hats. Black hats are easier to play as, but white hats level up faster.
  3. bobbyjkl


  4. bobbyjkl

    You're okay at trolling. 7/10

    You're okay at trolling. 7/10
  5. bobbyjkl

    He is ICY I believe :3

    He is ICY I believe :3
  6. bobbyjkl

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    Username: bobbyjkl Do you wish to sign-up for the exam: Yes
  7. bobbyjkl

    That should be a semi-colon in your signature. And "forums" should not be plural if you are just...

    That should be a semi-colon in your signature. And "forums" should not be plural if you are just linking to one webpage. You may be a grammar COP, but grammar NAZI ranks higher.
  8. bobbyjkl

    DP Locations

    It's a DIY thing...It has stuff like weekly organizers and stuff... www.pocketmod.com I just think it's super useful though
  9. bobbyjkl

    DP Locations

    This would go in...this category...right?
  10. bobbyjkl

    I liek you <3

    I liek you <3
  11. bobbyjkl

    DP Locations

    Do you know that good 'ol route article? I made a PocketMod of the training part of it. ^How to fold a pocketmod ^ The file itself. It's a pdf... It works very well. It can even fit in your pocket for on-the-go training. Please comment!
  12. bobbyjkl

    Posting disabled

    Just make it like 10 or something. Also, in a public place (like a library) there is often more than one computer. Problem solved. OH WAIT Dynamic IP's, proxies...but it would at least slow them down, amiright?
  13. bobbyjkl

    Stupid things you thought were true

    I hold my breath when I catch pokemon. I also do b + up. If I don't do either of those things, I usually don't catch pokemon. 0.o
  14. bobbyjkl

    What's your favorite Water Starter?

    So I heard you liek mudkips...:dead:
  15. bobbyjkl

    I could be a creepy forty-year-old man. But I could also be as easily a creepy 70 year old man.

    I could be a creepy forty-year-old man. But I could also be as easily a creepy 70 year old man.
  16. bobbyjkl

    New Sprite System

  17. bobbyjkl

    Cough. I am not a fool. Huh huh huh.

    Cough. I am not a fool. Huh huh huh.
  18. bobbyjkl

    New Sprite System

    Ok, I revamped them with D/p colors. No credit needed.
  19. bobbyjkl

    New Sprite System

    My first disguise. It sucks, I know. It's the RSE vulpix. No credit needed.
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