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Search results

  1. Eeveelution

    Lots of Moral Support Needed

    Today I have submitted two stories to a HUGE national writing competition hosted by Scholastic, and we're still recovering from the pre-submission stress that comes whenever I enter contests. It's pretty big, and could start my future as an author, but now I have a bigger goal: The same contest...
  2. Eeveelution

    Change the Christmas Carols

    Yep, you all know the classic Christmas Carols. (Or at least, if you live in an area where Christmas is revered and there are a bunch of Christmas specials on TV.) They include "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer", "Frosty the Snowman", "Jingle Bells", etc. I recently came up with a revised version...
  3. Eeveelution


    In my opinion, whether abortion is good or bad really depends on the reason for each individual one. My mom's friend tried to get a late-term abortion because she had a life-threatening condition that could kill her if she had the baby. The doctor didn't want to be held responsible if she died...
  4. Eeveelution


    Re: Pokémorphs Actually, I just remembered a story idea I recently came up with and abandoned: water Pokemorphs as an alternative to mermaids and mermen. Naturally like that, created with the help of Arceus or Kyogre or some other magic Pokemon... In one official movie, Latias took the form of...
  5. Eeveelution


    Re: Pokémorphs First of all: I'm a girl, not a he. ^^; And secondly, I meant what would they be like? The point of asking "what if" questions is to ask about things that will probably never happen but do have a chance. For example, the creators might one day consider that idea just for kicks...
  6. Eeveelution

    Quite possibly the best example of bad writing.

    Huh, I thought it was some guy named House who went into his house and was attacked by a time paradox. But yours makes sense too. Ah but saying Gameshark making more sense saying than Action Replay. (I think that's how he'd say it.) Anyways, isn't there an award show for super bad movies? We...
  7. Eeveelution

    Quite possibly the best example of bad writing.

    Can't agree as I haven't read the book, but I HAVE to tell that one at school. One of the teachers is forcing her class to read it. I'm currently stockpiling Elmo books for when the time comes that she may make my class do that. I've told her already that I'd rather read 1000 Elmo books instead...
  8. Eeveelution

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I'm evil. I think it's funny that some old grocery bagger asked my mom if her grandchildren were coming. She said yes so he wouldn't be embarrassed and the cashier asked her how old they were. Bonus: I'm her only child, and I'm the youngest on one side of the family. I still laugh just thinking...
  9. Eeveelution


    Pokémorphs Okay, we've all seen the stories about Pokémorphs. If not, go to the fan fiction forum, there should be some there. Anyways, let's say that Pokémorphs actually existed in the games. How would they be created? What would they really look like? How would they really behave? Would they...
  10. Eeveelution

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    Hmm, I dunno, it's such a hard decision... I mean, really, what Pokemon do I, Eeveelution, the girl obsessed with Eevee, like best? Oh! I know! Magikarp!![/sarcasm] Obviously Eevee for me. I've loved it since I was a kid, and have been thoroughly obsessed with it through my whole life. (No...
  11. Eeveelution

    Rape Censorship

    I agree, we need to do things to lighten some situations, but I don't think we should really joke about rape so much. Over the summer I had a dream where I was almost raped by two kids from school, but managed to overpower them, knock them down and jump on them. The problem is that one of those...
  12. Eeveelution

    Supposedly Art

    Okay, this is some work taken from my DeviantArt account. It's supposedly art, but... Yeah, not too sure. Cyndaquil My one-of-a-kind Cyndaquil, drawn by hand and colored on Computer. Took me HOURS to make. Some moon thing made on GIMP Boom, a character of mine. Didn't turn out well when I...
  13. Eeveelution

    Life after Death?

    Actually, that is my biggest fear. Whatever comes after death is unknown, so I'm always a bit worried about it. I'm a Catholic, but sometimes I wonder if it's a different religion that follows the correct God. (If I become Atheist, it will be because I don't know which religion is correct.) With...
  14. Eeveelution

    Rape Censorship

    Recently at my school we were reading a book called "Speak", or at least beginning it. I have a habit of reading ahead in whatever book my class is reading, so to try to control it I read an interview with the author in the back of the book. One of the answers said something about the book...
  15. Eeveelution

    In Progress Battle to the Ban!

    Okay, this was popular on another site I go to, and relax, it was not by me. It's a combination of Battle Royale and game shows where you have to fight someone to go on to the next round. All I need are the characters, though I can give you an example "fight". ------------------------- A wild...
  16. Eeveelution

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    Originally I assumed Tucker was a female, most likely due to the Pixie-like appearance. Then I happened to watch the Anime episode he appears in. Tate and Liza both sound like girls' names, so the Anime cleared that up for me too. When I played my very first Pokémon game, either Gold or Silver...
  17. Eeveelution

    Magikarp Thoughts

    Grimdour's theory makes sense for exact data; the carp becoming a dragon theory is probably true. However, I'd rather be silly right now and say that they are really dumb because their parents and trainers mistreated them for being so weak. (According to the anime, Magikarp have super-hard...
  18. Eeveelution

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    I used a master ball on Ursaring once. Before I had my own game, someone let me play theirs and with each KO I thought I captured the Pokémon. When I gave it back to the guy I said, "I caught you a ton of Ursaring!" Also, I thought that Latias and Latios were an evolution chain. In similar...
  19. Eeveelution

    Do you finish what you start?

    That's my problem too. I think it is a problem for many authors: you get an idea for one story and before long you get an idea for another and move on.
  20. Eeveelution

    In Progress Welcome to Insanity!

    Yay, another update at long last. Here's my latest adventure. Chapter 10: Shopping Day [Ten and family walk into my kitchen; my family is sitting at table] Me: Hey Ten. You ready? Ten: Yeah. I think. Tot: What's going on? Eight: Only the worst day of the year... Shopping Day. Tot: What's so bad...
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