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Search results

  1. Bgreymon

    Lirris vs Bgreymon

    Nice work Guys, now lets keep up the pressure. Okay now, Buckshot start off with a Will-O-Wisp at Avery, and followed it off by using Flame Charge on Helios. End the round with a Work Up to show them what your made of. If you are Taunted instead of Will-O-Wisp and Work Up use Headbutt on Spatz...
  2. Bgreymon

    Lirris vs Bgreymon

    Hmmm... That didn't go too well. Okay Buckshot, Start the round by using Taunt on Avery to prevent those Supersonics. Follow up with a Encore on Spatz and end the round with a Facade at Helios or Overheat if he managed to set up his clones. Begin by using a Protect, Gustave, and then use...
  3. Bgreymon

    Lirris vs Bgreymon

    Oops! Okay, Buckshot, Gustave and Zorro go! Show them what we're made of! Buckshot start off by using Focus Energy and then use Fire Punch on Helios and finish off with a Work Up. Gustave, use Screech on Spatz, followed by a Ice Fang on Avery. Complete the round with Hone Claws or if Screech...
  4. Bgreymon

    The Suggestion Box

    Well, even if a shop can't be made are they going to be implemented sometime in the future?
  5. Bgreymon

    The Challenge Board

    I'm accepting Lirris's challenge.
  6. Bgreymon

    The Suggestion Box

    What exactly is happening about Pokemon's dream world abilities, because if nothing is really happening I thought it might be a good idea to make a dream world ability shop to teach Pokemon their hidden abilities.
  7. Bgreymon

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Are you just reviewing the newer signature attributes because there are a lot more before the ones you have done already. Also it doesn't appear that the other three attribute approvers are actually here at all and Kratos Aurion isn't really doing anything, so...
  8. Bgreymon

    The Absence Sheet

    I'm back
  9. Bgreymon

    The Absence Sheet

    I will be going on holidays for 14 days and I probably won't have any internet access at all during this time.
  10. Bgreymon

    The Challenge Board

    Nah, it's okay still.
  11. Bgreymon

    The Challenge Board

    I'm taking this one against DarkHydra, if that's okay.
  12. Bgreymon

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Gustave] Totodile (M) Ability: Torrent Signature Attribute: Ambush Hunter Gustave comes from a tribe of Totodiles, Croconaws and Feraligatrs that live in a secret area far north of the Lake of Rage, in the Johto region. Here they live in peace because they...
  13. Bgreymon


  14. Bgreymon

    The Challenge Board

    I accept Cap'n Sofa's challenge. It looks a bit weird but I want to start my ASB career.
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