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Search results

  1. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    I do not have any reason at all. Keep going without eating it.
  2. Ferasquilee

    What is this I don't even... XD No, really...

    I guess I just overthought it, then.
  3. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    I do a funky dance and then catch it. Keep going.
  4. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    I find it funny that whenever Pal Park goes "offline", then there are no updates in the "Safari Zone" topic.
  5. Ferasquilee

    What is this I don't even... XD No, really...

    Yeah, it seems to be kind of random.
  6. Ferasquilee

    Hello Pokemon fans! :P

    PAH! I laugh at your feeble attempt to be creative! I will rule the WOORL... Um... Yeah... Also, cake is pwnage, not a lie. I believe in cake.
  7. Ferasquilee

    Happy BIRTHDAAAAI!!!!!

    Happy BIRTHDAAAAI!!!!!
  8. Ferasquilee

    Hello Pokemon fans! :P

    Don't make fun of me! :angry: Still, I don't use my free time to train my Pokémon as much as I catch new ones, so I guess it's okay! :sweatdrop: EDIT: Anyway your team is suckish! :P :grin:
  9. Ferasquilee

    Hello Pokemon fans! :P

    Welcome Aq (yes, I will frequently call you that, it feels strange to say Dialgeus)! *Flies over you and bombs you with tea and cod* Hope you're having a good time!
  10. Ferasquilee

    Hello, everyone!

    Hi, and welcome to TCoD! Have some coffe and salmon! Really Dialgeus? Associate? ... Well, no big problem :sweatdrop:
  11. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    I stumble out of the web and keep going.
  12. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    Oh, thanks for the reminder, I edited that now. No Wurmple for me, keep going.
  13. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    Pick it up, throw it as far as I can, hope I don't get a swarm of Beedrill on me and keep going.
  14. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    Lazar = Lazor = Lazer = Laser. STEALTH CATCH, keep going.
  15. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    I'MA FIRIN' MAH LAZAR *BAARF* *Wipes mouth* Sure, catch it, it didn't hit me or anything... Keep on walking ~ (A Swedish song)
  16. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    I cry a little more because I tripped, swear at the dunsparce and keep going. Tomorrow!
  17. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    Like the chicken I am, I stop for a second and cry for a bit, swear at the Pineco and move on.
  18. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    PAH! I told you I'd have the same settings as last time, but with a Flashlight! I bring the Squirtle I had last time. Do not catch, keep going.
  19. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    Oh, I forgot that you needed a Flashlight. I'll buy one of those, too.
  20. Ferasquilee

    Pal Park

    Well, I'd like to go in again! Same pokémon, all the balls I can get. To teh forestz! EDIT: Also, keep going tomorrow.
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