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Search results

  1. silverfur

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    ok guys i know some of you are mad at me cuz I cant spell right. >.< but. theres a place im moving this too. www.deviantart.com>make an account if you dont have one>go to the search box>type in crystalmoonwolfpack>click on the the arrow next to the "all deviations"> go down on the drop down menu...
  2. silverfur

    uhhh....what i post??

    uhhh....what i post??
  3. silverfur

    You're a 90's kid if...

    i was born in 92!
  4. silverfur

    Warriors Fan Club

    i love warriors! they are the best cats ever! go thunderclan!
  5. silverfur

    Adopt-A-Pokéball! NEW-Adamant/Lustrous Ball and Adventure mode!

    Re: Adopt-A-Pokéball! NEW-Adamant/Lustrous Ball and Adventure mode! cool!
  6. silverfur

    Spoilers for Life: Santa Claus

    i <3 santa!!!!!!!!
  7. silverfur


  8. silverfur

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    This is a place for wolves and other creatures alike. I myself am a jagolf-jaguar/wolf-. Anyone is welcome to join...just ask k? few basic rules : dont make fun of other characters, dont cuss fluently. no saying the f word at all. dont ignore the alphas if they ask you to do something. And if...
  9. silverfur


    um sure? the pack isnt on here though...
  10. silverfur

    HELLO!!! :D

    ok hi lux!!!
  11. silverfur

    hey marrisa~! add meeeee cuz i don know howw!!

    hey marrisa~! add meeeee cuz i don know howw!!
  12. silverfur


    hi fellow peoples and creatures my name is silverfur and i hail from the crystalmoon wolf pack. i am the alpha female with my mate lonestar:love:. iIam pleased to be able to meet you all and hope you dont tease me just because im a wolf....i wouldnt like that you know. might get grumpy if you...
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