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  1. boss

    hey more than likely the forums are glitching and showing your reply as the last post. me and...

    hey more than likely the forums are glitching and showing your reply as the last post. me and ampharos both took our turns though, just to let you know! ssssorry i'm not trying to rush you or anythinggg
  2. boss

    what's going on

    what's going on
  3. boss

    yeah no problem. i just can't stand INJUSTICE....

    yeah no problem. i just can't stand INJUSTICE....
  4. boss

    i totally don't know who faust is, no way! i mean, even if you sent me a PM and begged to know...

    i totally don't know who faust is, no way! i mean, even if you sent me a PM and begged to know, i couldn't tell you. that is an awesome signature btw
  5. boss

    the amount of obnoxious on this page man i can't even handle gotta freshen this place up with...

    the amount of obnoxious on this page man i can't even handle gotta freshen this place up with something totally awesome and witty [IMG]
  6. boss

    oh ok oops then *hugs and cookies*

    oh ok oops then *hugs and cookies*
  7. boss

    no man i just skimmed the hell out of your thread i totally missed the part about writing an...

    no man i just skimmed the hell out of your thread i totally missed the part about writing an email to someone or something i don't know
  8. boss

    gosh maybe you shouldn't be rude if you want people to care about your situation and i dunno...

    gosh maybe you shouldn't be rude if you want people to care about your situation and i dunno offer advice to you? otherwise it just makes you look like a big attentionwhore. similar stuff happened to me when i was a kid too, it's not just you. have you tried doing anything about it in this...
  9. boss

    apparently you do want a big part of this because i saw that conversation you had with him on...

    apparently you do want a big part of this because i saw that conversation you had with him on his profile. he already apologized about it so i really don't understand what your problem is. and for someone who is supposed to be depressed, you just come across as rude. it's no excuse to be an...
  10. boss

    goodbye cruel world

    goodbye cruel world
  11. boss

    uhh i really have no idea why you're being so obnoxious in that thread, what with those angry...

    uhh i really have no idea why you're being so obnoxious in that thread, what with those angry italics at me. yeah, i read his post. the only crime SomeGuy did was not write as eloquently as some other people and oh he didn't give you a hug. all he did was say there's no painless way to die and...
  12. boss

    Purpose of Living?

    i didn't mean to imply it was my life? regardless, it seems to be the life of basically everyone. what such options? go to work, come home, eat a late dinner, go to sleep.
  13. boss

    can i comment on my own profile? not that i would that's totally vain!

    can i comment on my own profile? not that i would that's totally vain!
  14. boss

    trust me! i'm a doctor

    trust me! i'm a doctor
  15. boss

    GOD AT LEAST AGREE YOU'RE DECENT IN COMPARISON to....well tcod is just, yeah. no words

    GOD AT LEAST AGREE YOU'RE DECENT IN COMPARISON to....well tcod is just, yeah. no words
  16. boss

    so yeah you're one of the few people who seem decent here all badass

    so yeah you're one of the few people who seem decent here all badass
  17. boss

    Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

    probably because opal is like 35 but i digress
  18. boss

    hey uhhh i bought a pokemon and i gave it to someone as a gift. i can't figure out how they GET...

    hey uhhh i bought a pokemon and i gave it to someone as a gift. i can't figure out how they GET the pokemon in their asb profile though? since i bought it. do you edit that in..?
  19. boss

    The Black Market

    @Conrad houndour Adelbert / m / Early bird only ten easy installments of $99.99!
  20. boss

    Purpose of Living?

    why are people saying death is boring? how can you possibly feel bored if you're dead i don't.. life is pretty boring too not gonna lie. go to school, eat a crappy burger, surf the internet.
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