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Search results

  1. bobtheninja


    yes i can get you a light ball
  2. bobtheninja

    [wanted] Pichu with volt tackle

    the nature dosent matter and wat pokemon would you want in return
  3. bobtheninja


    bobtheninja tropic thunder chief running water those are my most popular nicknames
  4. bobtheninja

    [wanted] Pichu with volt tackle

    wanted pichu move volt tackle pichu offered toxicroak level 27 offered togepi level 49
  5. bobtheninja

    ok im ready

    ok im ready
  6. bobtheninja

    lets have another battle but six on six

    lets have another battle but six on six
  7. bobtheninja

    my team is now all level 41 instead of 38 but still three on three

    my team is now all level 41 instead of 38 but still three on three
  8. bobtheninja

    ok so lets battle

    ok so lets battle
  9. bobtheninja

    the battle has to be three on three and pokemon level 38 or lower

    the battle has to be three on three and pokemon level 38 or lower
  10. bobtheninja

    the battle has to be three on three and pokemon level 38 or lower

    the battle has to be three on three and pokemon level 38 or lower
  11. bobtheninja

    well tell me when your ready to trade

    well tell me when your ready to trade
  12. bobtheninja

    im ready to trade do you want the other berrys to or just the one

    im ready to trade do you want the other berrys to or just the one
  13. bobtheninja

    no items and voice chat off

    no items and voice chat off
  14. bobtheninja

    are you ready to trade???

    are you ready to trade???
  15. bobtheninja


    yep i have both of those berrys
  16. bobtheninja


    any time tomorow is good for me new friend code 5327 9266 2441
  17. bobtheninja


    how about a lapras
  18. bobtheninja


    what pokemon would you be willing to trade for the berry
  19. bobtheninja

    Customs and Registration Thread

    Name:bobtheninja friend code:5070 1835 6250 role:N/A
  20. bobtheninja

    [SHOP] Shiny Objects

    would you trade me a shiny deoxys for an arceus i can make it hold any pokeball or medicine item or any berry
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