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Search results

  1. #1 bro

    Black & White

    The thing about pokemon is that the actual battle system is really quite boring and primitive, but the characters and the world draw you in and you keep playing. If you don't like pokemon anymore, it's probably because you grew up and the world no longer enthralls you like it used to, which is...
  2. #1 bro

    Can you name all 151 original Pokemon in 12 minutes?

    138. missed venonat, psyduck, ponyta, grimer, chansey, tauros, goldeen, and (somehow) snorlax lines. also wow. i completely forgot drowzee and hypno even existed until like the last 30 seconds. clutch. drowzee hypno
  3. #1 bro

    Black & White

    yeah, but it's way more fun to see the battle in 3D than it is to just watch two stationary sprites. :\
  4. #1 bro

    Black & White

    The problem with that is the pokemon are 2d sprites. They can only be resized or moved; there is no possible way to view them from multiple angles.
  5. #1 bro

    Black & White

    I can sort of see where Furret is coming from - I mean, I personally expected the fifth generation to have the battles in full 3D, with a 360 rotating camera and whatnot. I'm guessing the reason they didn't do it was because they couldn't fit it all on the DS card for all 600 pokemon. But this...
  6. #1 bro

    Black & White

    I'm sure they'll grow on you.
  7. #1 bro

    Black & White

    Oh my god. This would be so cool. I am a) wishing I had thought of this first, and b) praying that this is actually how it works. You'd have to prepare it with the illusion you want somehow, I guess. Either that, or it would just pick a pokemon randomly. Which would of course render it fairly...
  8. #1 bro

    Black & White

    Oh, and if Zoroark is event-only, I honestly might kill someone. >:|
  9. #1 bro

    Black & White

    Uggh. I don't like this. The fact that you played as a ten year old was always really cool to me, as it allowed for maximum wish-fulfillment potential for the target audience. Why would they change this? (Not like it really matters anyway - the character sprites never looked like children in...
  10. #1 bro

    Black & White

    it's a pig, not a bunny! :O
  11. #1 bro

    Black & White

    I still think it's the fire type :\
  12. #1 bro

    Black & White

    I think I've jumped firmly into the celebi-head camp. Look at the curvature of the top of Thingy's head. It's just a lot more natural to imagine it as a celebi head than as a snout. Its head would have to be at a very awkward angle for it to be the latter. This guy is a good artist and all, but...
  13. #1 bro

    Black & White

    I could have sworn there is some Hoenn pokemon that has the exact same tail that I am picturing the far left starter to have, but I have been unable to find it. :\ In any case, I'm imagining it being flat and sort of brightly colored, with concentric triangles and a thick outline around each...
  14. #1 bro

    Black & White

    This is almost exactly what I have been imagining all along, with the beaver in place of the platypus (although I do hope it will be a duck, ducks are awesome) edit: except I believe that the far left pokemon's tail is not a literal flame, but represents one
  15. #1 bro

    Black & White

    That's really silly, though! It seems to me really bizarre that Game Freak would do something like that. The reason why grass starters are reptiles is probably just that reptiles yield more natural designs due to being green already, and fire starters being based on the Chinese zodiac is very...
  16. #1 bro

    Black & White

    I'm pretty sure they'd never give a non-pig pokemon a curly tail - the Marill line all has zigzag tails. And like I said, I think those are leaves as opposed to ears. Turtles are amphibians, aren't they? Plus even if Bulbasaur is techinically a dinosaur of some sort, it's very mammalian in...
  17. #1 bro

    Black & White

    Look at the tail. Rabbits don't have curly tails like that.
  18. #1 bro

    Black & White

    I don't know, my thoughts are fire, grass, and water from left to right, just because the tail on the far left pokemon is kind of flame-ish, and I can see it sort of breathing fire on something, I guess. Problem is it looks a bit too much like a mix between Cyndaquil and Charmander. Then I had a...
  19. #1 bro

    Black & White

    After the sheer ridiculousness of the delays of Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, and SSBB (among others), Nintendo seems to be legitimately striving to lessen the time between announcement and release of games. The seemingly abrupt announcement of Black and White probably reflects this...
  20. #1 bro


    I really don't understand it at all when people say homosexuality is "unnatural". "THIS JUST IN: SCIENTISTS ADMIT TO SYNTHESIZING HOMOSEXUALITY IN A LAB"
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