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Search results

  1. #1 bro

    Everyone's racist

    eh well maybe I'm just fucked up but I think these things like, literally every day. I'm pretty good at scolding myself for it and I obviously know that it's not a good mental reaction but that is unfortunately oftentimes my immediate inclination. I'm also kind of under the impression that...
  2. #1 bro

    Everyone's racist

    Uh I don't know how old you are or what country you're from, but this seems unlikely to me. Are you absolutely certain you've never seen a black dude and a TINY part of you thought "oh, that guy might be not especially rich or not quite as smart"? And are you absolutely certain you've never...
  3. #1 bro

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! And some atheists act like there is. But there isn't. I'd appreciate it if you could point out these "factions of Christianity". I don't doubt that they exist, I'd just like to see what you are talking about. But I don't think that, at least in the...
  4. #1 bro

    hey thanks bro, for what it's worth I like your posts too

    hey thanks bro, for what it's worth I like your posts too
  5. #1 bro

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! I think most people around me know I don't believe in god but I have faced about as much discrimination for that as I have for having grey eyes. "Location: South Carolina" might go a long way towards explaining this (I live in a mid-western city) but in...
  6. #1 bro

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! Who cares dude? Just go to church a bit longer, don't be a punk-ass brat about it Helpful hint: You don't need to "come out" as an atheist the same way you need to come out as gay. You can just... not believe in god.
  7. #1 bro

    Weird Pokémon video series

    Re: Weird Pokémon video series Oh wow, everything I love about pkmn right here in one extremely surreal video. Also why is Marill the only non gen I pokemon in here? :O edit: well in part 1
  8. #1 bro

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    There are three legendary trios in B/W, and that's all. There are no more "random legendary pokemon" like Heatran, Cresselia, etc. You have nothing to complain about!
  9. #1 bro

    Black & White

    Emboar's name is actually Enbuoh, which translates to something like fire martial arts king, iirc. Ember + boar is just a coincidence, if I'm not mistaken. Which doesn't necessarily mean that they won't use it, but I think they're more likely to use something revolving around temperature. Or at...
  10. #1 bro

    Black & White

    So I was trying to figure out what Chaobuoo and Embuoo might be now that we know Tepig's name. We can assume that since Tepid comes from tepid, the names will get gradually "hotter". (if not, then this is a major wtf moment for NoA) But I can't think of any name that fits with pig/boar/hog +...
  11. #1 bro

    Black & White

    I just hope they keep Zuruzukin the same (ur avvy reminded me). Or at least don't call it something terrible like "Thuggard". Oh. That sounds more likely. Actually, it's probably a bit of both. There's no way of knowing, so
  12. #1 bro

    Black & White

    RUINED FOREVER. Well, at least Pokabu is. Tepig? I guess that would be tepid + pig which is just disgusting. What was wrong with Piglit? Pignite? Porkabu? eeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuu I know I'll get used to it eventually but right now I could not hate it more. Snivy... on the one hand, it's...
  13. #1 bro

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    Right, I agree. I think this is what turned a lot of people off of the fourth generation - how neither the absurdly powerful legendaries nor the unnecessary evolutions that make up for about half of the pokedex fit in the "spirit of pokemon" I described. U M and A are alright imho, they're very...
  14. #1 bro

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    This guy is obviously a talented artist, but his pokemon of course look nothing like pokemon for the precise reasons I described. I think you just helped me prove my point?? :| Don't forget the House of Adhesive Tape.
  15. #1 bro

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    The most immediately obvious difference between pokemon and digimon is pokemon's relative simplicity. This, of course, stems from the fact that pokemon's native environment are 80 * 80 pixel boxes. But this is not the only difference. I think the real difference is simply that pokemon are not...
  16. #1 bro

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    I was going to respond with "no, they're dodo birds" but then I looked up dodo bird on google images and they indeed look nothing alike. I could have sworn that a dodo bird looks exactly like a one-headed doduo, but aagh, can't win 'em all. You're right. Correct, I forgot about this one...
  17. #1 bro

    sorry, too late. :(

    sorry, too late. :(
  18. #1 bro

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    re: eye-hurting colors: I agree this guy's sprite makes it look a bit garish, but peep the sugi art. It's pretty clear that its armor is just gold/bronze/brass or something similar. I like this poke a lot, it looks like it belongs to gen II which is a very good thing in my mind. I think...
  19. #1 bro

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    100% agree. there are sooooo many ideas that they could use that they haven't, as I have found out while brainstorming for a fandex that I am trying to create. "por ehemplo": flamingo, ostrich, t-rex, triceratops, porcupine/hedgehog (cyndaquil only sort of counts), raven, donkey...
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